Chapter 35: Found Out

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"What would the young Jacqueline need help with then? It seems to me that you have all the help you need to complete the mission you have."

I explained to Wise One my mission and the journey that I've been on, he takes it well. 

"I need your help with the end of the journey. What am I to do? There is a high chance that Thero and I could die by the end of it. I don't know if we should tell the others." I hang my head in defeat. 

"From my view, you have told them, just not in the way you have hopped. Look behind you." His final words cause me to go stiff. I slowly turn to look behind me, seeing both Evelyn and Leo, both looking mad as can be. 

"Where's Thero?" Leo's voice holds rage, concern, and sadness. I just point to the shed door and Wise One opens it for Leo. I turn back to Evelyn, her face showing little emotion about what I have said. 

"Evelyn, I -" I don't know what to say to her. What could I tell her? That I've known that I will more and likely die by the time this is finished. 

"When did you plan on telling us?" She closes her eyes and clenches her fists.

"I - I don't know." I hang my head, it's better, in the long run, to just tell the truth from the get-go. "I've known since Mina's village after Thero became a full elf." 

"You say that you and Thero will more and likely die," I nod my head, "do you know how it'll happen?" 

I breath in, "I think it would be better for both of us to explain the whole thing to you two. Let's go inside and we'll explain it all." I don't think that Evelyn would like me touching her at the moment so I just open the door and allow her to walk in first. 

"So first things first," I begin to grab the herbs that we need for the spell, "the entire witch and elf race is alive." 

"The witches transported themselves into another place, the one that we've been calling the Other Place, that nothing happens to them, be it death or sickness. The same thing happened with the elves, except they did it by accident." 

"We know this. Why tell us again?" Leo questions and I glance at Evelyn. She's just sitting there, listening but at the same time, she's not. 

"We're just recapping and reminding you of things." I join them in the circle on the floor, "You remember that month that both of us were asleep for? Well, during that time we were in the Other Place and that's when we were told about a spell that could release both of the races that are trapped." 

Thero takes over, "This spell requires many different things, but the two big ones is our blood. The elf king and Jacqueline's mother told us that the amount needed could kill us because of blood loss." 

"Then why don't you do it at any location and let us take care of you right after?" Evelyn's voice may be quiet, but it rings loudly throughout the small shed.

"That's because we need a place that has a high magic output. The magic in this world comes from the ground, and on this land, the highest output of said magic is at the castle where Evelyn's parents live." Thero answers for me.

Evelyn and Leo just stand up and leave the shed, not telling us where they're going. We glance at each other and follow after them quickly. All I see from the left is Leo turning into a wolf and running off, Thero following close behind, while I keep my attention to my right where Evelyn takes off from in a full run. 


I take off after her, trying to stay as close behind her as I can. She makes twists and turns all over the place, soon I begin to recognize some of the green growth around me. She's running to the cottage that I first stayed at after she helped me, it's far enough away from the castle that we should be fine. She walks right into the house and I follow some ways behind her.

I close the front door as she begins to speak, "You remember when all of this was going to be both of our futures? I would come over every so often and you would be my friend every time I came over?"

I think that she's ready for the touch of someone else so as I walk to her I speak, "Yes, I do. I would have gotten away from the village that hated me, and you would have gained another friend that would listen to you." I pull her into a hug and say something else, "Although that could have been our future, I wouldn't change a thing that has happened." 

She looks to me with watery eyes, "Why wouldn't you want to change anything? This is a horrible life. You might die within the next week, how could you not want to change this?" 

I answer her truthfully, "Because if we have that life, then where would Thero be? What kind of situation would the elves and witches be in? I never would have found out that my mother is still alive. And finally," I lean closer to her lips, "I never would have fallen for the most wonderful, beautiful, woman in existence." Our lips meet and I can feel the tears roll down her face. 

She breaks the kiss only for a second to say, "Can I have you for tonight?" 

I never knew how much I wanted to hear those words until she said them. The rest of my night is spent in her arms and bliss. 

I hate to say this, but the end of the book is coming up soon. Maybe within the next ten or less chapter will be the last one. Although, I am planning on more books that hopefully you will like. 
Also, feel free to comment on things that you like or that I could have done better on.  

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