Chapter 36: Let's do This

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I open my eyes when the sun starts to peak into the room through the window, the nights' activities still very fresh in my mind. I turn my head to look at the woman whose face is in all those memories. 

I stare up at those light blue eyes. Those eyes that have seen lots of things in her life, and meeting me and last nights activities are some of those memories. She pulls her eyes away from the rising sun and stares down at me with them. 

"Morning," her voice sounds wonderful in my ears, "Do you feel any better?" The sounds of the fight that we had yesterday are but a distance memory. 

"Yes, I do, but I'm more concerned about how you feel about yesterday." She starts to shift around so I pull myself up off of her and watch her carefully as she sits on the edge of the bed, and sighs, heavily. 

"I don't like it," she looks to me, "but I am willing to go through with the plans because it's what you want." 

I open my mouth to say something to her, but she cuts me off, "Although, I do have a condition I want you to meet." I nod at her, "I want to be there with you and Thero when you do the spell." 

I sit up, "You know that it might not be possible to do that. All of us are going to be fighting people, and if the plan does work out then you'll be fighting your parents while Leo fights Dimitri and the army."

She turns her back to me and starts getting dressed. "Then I'll just have to be quick about taking them down." 

The tone in her voice leaves no room for me to argue back at her logic. There is no way that she could take them both down within that short of a time span. I just sigh and begin to pull my own clothes back on. Once we both are dressed we peek out the windows to check for any guards, then proceed to make our way back to the shed to finalize the plan. 

There is still a strange air around Evelyn and me, so we keep our distance from each other. As we near the shed I can hear Wise One talking to someone.

"Really? I can believe that she would do that, she is one that would never leave someone in pain like that." I hear him give a small chuckle. As I break through the tree line I see Masami in her true form sitting in front of Wise One talking to him. I walk up to her and pat at her leg.

"Are you two talking about me behind my back?" I had put on a smile, but it falters just ever so slightly as Evelyn walks by me and into the house. 

"Yes, we are. Masami here was just telling me about all that she has been through, and even the adventures that you have taken her on." he goes silent for a few seconds then speaks up again, "Also your other friends have yet to return."  

I smile inwardly to myself. If they had a night like mine then they might not show for another hour or so. 

"Give them some time. They'll be here." I sit on the ground next to Masami, "Now, maybe I can fill in some details about what she's been telling you." 


About an hour and a half later, the boys decided to show up. I pull myself away from the Wise One, startling Masami in the process, as I stand to greet them. 

"About time you showed up." I swing my arm around Leo, "We've been waiting for forever." I pull him down to my level and whisper in his ear, "So should I pull out a cushioned seat for you?" 

Leo just stands up tall and begins to laugh. "Not for me," he points at Thero, "but for him, yes." He leans back down to my height. "Now what about Evelyn? Should you be nice to her and give her the seat?" 

I hold back my laughter as I tell him to lean in. "She's fine. Now me, on the other hand, I might just use your lap so I can sit down properly, maybe even jump around a few times to see if you feel it." I see him shake his head 'no' so I just walk away. I pass by Wise One and I can hear him chuckle, "You have wonderful friends, Jacqueline." I just smile at him as I hold the door open for Thero and Leo. 

We all get inside and sit down, Masami joining us on Evelyn's lap. 

"So is everyone okay with what happened yesterday?" Thero is the one to break the silence that had fallen over our group. 

"I have come to terms with the whole situation, but that does not mean I have to like it." Leo is the only one to speak up about the whole thing, Evelyn just stays quiet. 

"Okay, then," I speak up, "Let's go over the plan again." I shift my weight around, "First, all five of us are going to walk to the castles tree line, from there I'm going to throw a few weaker spells at the castle wall, a few of them will be stronger and will break the wall in a few locations." Thero takes over next. 

"After that we will wait for a few minutes while guards are sent out, after those few minutes are over then we will all charge out, Leo and Masami will stay and fight the guards and Dimitri. Evelyn, Jacqueline, and I will rush into the castle and make our way to the throne room where we need to conduct the spell from." I take back over to give Thero a break. 

"At that time we need to be fast with everything else that happens. Evelyn will fight her parents while Thero and I begin the spell, hopefully after the spell is completed the elves and witches will help us finish the fight. Any questions?" I look around the room, Leo has his eyes closed and Evelyn is watching me. "No? Okay, then. We take action tomorrow after sunrise." 


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