Chapter 12. The Final Battle

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Vector: There shall be a race and whoever wins shall marry my daughter and get a kiss to seal the deal.

Shadow: I wont fail you, I promise


After the boys trained it was time for the race

Amy stood at the end and whoever crossed the finish line first would instantly swoop in for the kiss.

Cream: Ready...Set....GO!!!!!!!!!

The boys took off and it started with shadow in 2nd and sonic in 1st , but soon enough they were neck to neck, then shadow in 1st ,but back to neck to neck and so on.

By the time they reached the finish line there was so much smoke that when it cleared shadow and sonic were both kissing Amy on the cheek!

Everyone was silent.....

Intercom:and the winner is....



I'm so evil, I'm sorry it was short but I really wanted to do that to show every other writer HOW IT FEELS but I'll update it in a couple hours 'cuz I just woke up, so I'm STARVING, and I'm still waiting for those accepts so I'll make some ideas but I'll see you next time on Shadamy Love Is War: That’s Not Fair!

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