Chapter 13. That's Not Fair

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Cream: Ready......Set.....GO!!!!!!

The boys were both kissing Amy on the cheek!

Intercom: And the winner is........


Sonic's P.O.V


That stupid Shadow beat me by his foot!

Me: HOW!!

Intercom: We saw through the fog that he kissed her first

Vector: and now it is official that this prince will marry my daughter!

Oh how I hate him and I will get my Amy back!

Normal P.O.V( Before the wedding)

Shadow and Amy decided to take a walk in the park.

Shadow: so my soon to be wife, what do you wish to do before we get married?

Amy: * giggle* well I would like to do this *kissed *

Shadow: I like that idea *kissed *


Then out of now where Sonic pounced on Shadow!

Shadow: What the heck Faker!

Sonic: * Punches shadow* Shes mine!!!

Shadow: You’re so gonna pay for that!

Then Shadow and Sonic fought

Sonic turned dark, and Shadow turned super. A couple minutes later, Shadow defeated Sonic with his famous “CHAOS BLAST”. But then he fainted from all the chaos energy. Amy freaked out and picked Shadow up and ran as fast as she could to his kingdom.

At the Dark Kingdom

Amy: * collapses at front gate* HELP!!* Sobs* Help! Shadow's hurt!

Guards came to help her up and get Shadow to the doctor.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Is Shadow ok? Will Amy forgive Sonic? Am I ever going to get up off my laptop and take a shower? Ok that was a weird question! But you will find out next chapter all these question ( except for the last one) See you next time on Shadamy Love Is War: I Love You!

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