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Tori walked up to the door. The fear bubbling inside her was slowly melting her. Her confidence was low, her anxiety was high. She tuck a deep breath, in, and out. She readjusted her eye patch and pulled her hoodie off of her head. She slowly and gently reached her arm for the door. She slowly curled her hand into a fist to knock on the door. And just as she was going to knock, she stopped. She tuck another deep breath before she got the courage to knock.

She started shaking as she heard the voices of Ell and Matilda. Then the door slowly opened. Tori saw a little eye poke through the hole of the door crack. Tori  gulped but tried to keep her head high. The door swung open and a little Ell just stared in shock at who it was.

"H-hello...old...friend..." Tori said slowly and quietly

Ell had tears in her eyes. She leaped at Tori and tackle hugged her. Luckily, Ell was only tiny, so Tori was able to stand her ground. Tori felt Ell clench onto the back of her hoodie harder and tears streamed down her back. Ell let go of the hug and sadly smiled at Tori with all the tears dripping down her cheeks like streams.

"I missed you so much! I thought Tamara killed you!" Ell said between hiccups from crying

"U-um..." Tori stuttered

Tori gently pushed Ell back a bit. Then Matilda turned up at the door. She was shocked too. She started to squeal while the tears bunched up in her eyes. Tori put her hands in front of her in defense.

"N-no...Matilda...I'm sorry but...I-I...I only came back to say sorry...I don't want forgiveness...I just wanted to say...I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot! A crazy freaky communist who can't keep her self under control!" Tori gasped in between her crying

Ell twiddled her fingers around each other, she looked like she was thinking. Matilda wiped the tears bunched in her eyes. Matilda then tuck a deep breath and readjusted her bow. She pushed her chest out and stud strong.

"I won't let you leave us again. For me and Ell's sake" Matilda said proudly

Ell got snapped out of her thinking by Matilda's statement. She grabbed Tori's hand and dragged her inside. Ell giggled as she twirled around with Tori and Matilda in her grasp, the tears flying out of her eyes. She stopped twirling around and let go of the other two slowly. They all sadly smiled at each other.

"I have to tell Tamara!" Ell shouted in excitement

Tori's eyes widened. She opened her mouth to say not to, but that's when the voices started speaking in her head.

Don't try and stop her

You won't win this argument Tori

And you'll make a bad impression of yourself

They'll think your a monster again

I just don't get how they don't see that already

Tamara will come and beat the shit out of you when she takes the first glance

It's what you deserve anyway

You shouldn't have lived through your attempt

They echoed in her head. Tori felt the burning black substance in her eyes. She didn't want to let them go though. She felt the same in her throat as she tried to consistently swallow it back down again. Then Tori passed out, and everything was black for her.

That's all she ever saw...
That's all she ever felt...
And burns...

Sorry it was REALLY short
I'm a terrible person
Word count: 608

Black and Burns {TamTori} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now