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After the movie. Ell got back on her feet and stud in front of the couch to everyone, like she was gonna make an announcement. Which she was planning on doing. She tuck a deep breath in and finally let all the air go by describing her plan really fast.

"ok since Tori doesn't have anywhere to stay because me and Matilda don't have enough room in our apartment Tori will stay with Tamara because Tamara has a spare room since she doesn't share with anyone" Ell was breathing heavily after that

"...what?" Tamara asked being very confused

"she said Tori has to stay with you, because me and Ell are already sharing, which means both rooms are taken up, and you have a spare room since you don't share with anyone" Matilda explained normally

"but that's what I said" Ell pouted

"WHAT!? why cant she just sleep on your couch?" Tamara grunted

"because she doesn't deserve to" Ell argued

"a-actually, I deserve any punishment needed, so if Tamara doesn't want me in her apartment, th-thats fine" Tori laughed a bit nervously

"no Tori!" Ell shouted

"why cant you ever just listen to anyone?" Tamara groaned

"because I'm not heartless" Ell responded with a glare

Tamara rolled her 'eyes' and made a "TSK!" noise. Tori had a scared expression. Tamara wouldn't be happy about her staying with her, and when Tamara's angry she lets her anger out on anyone, never physically, but maybe to Tori.

"don't worry Tori, you can stay with Tamara, whether she likes it or not" Ell said the last bit under her breath

Ell then pushed Tori and Tamara out of her door. Before she closed her door she smiled, waved and said "have fun!" then slammed her door closed.

Tori gulped and turned to face Tamara. Tamara sighed angrily and motioned her hand for Tori to follow her. Tori did as she was told and followed.

They stopped outside of Tamara's door. Tori waited while Tamara unlocked it and opened it. Tamara walked in, shortly followed after was Tori. Tori tuck a look around, but didn't dare to touch anything.

"ill show you where your staying" Tamara said, the anger in her tone was just a bit softer

Tori nodded. She followed Tamara to her new room. Tamara opened the door and Tori gasped at the sight of it.

The room had a single bed that was covered with dark blue sheets with light blue butterfly's patched in different places, a light blue pillow, the same colour as the butterfly's, a big window next to it with dark blue curtains, a desk and a chair in the corner of the room with an empty flower pot.

"thank you so much!" Tori said enthusiastically and launched herself at Tamara and hugged her

"yeah yeah, just don't touch me, that's one rule" Tamara spat

"s-sorry" Tori let go

"ugh, its fine, just don't bother me" Tamara scoffed as she slammed the door closed

Tori winced at the loud slam of the door. She sighed. She didn't want to be a bother, she wanted to be helpful. Tori didn't have any luggage with her, since this wasn't her plan, but it was fine. She sat down her new bed. It wasn't hard, it was actually nice and bouncy. The sheets were nice and fluffy. I mean, England does get very cold. 

.*+ Time Skip To Night +*.

Tori laid on her bed. No pyjama's, since she didn't have any. It was lovely and peaceful. She let out a sigh of relief and comfort. That was until she heard a loud crash come from the kitchen. She raced out of her room and ran down the hall and to the kitchen.

She slid into the kitchen and almost fell, but she was able to keep her balance. Her eyes widened when she looked up and saw Tamara with a smashed shirnuff bottle in her hand. Tori slowly made her way to the drunky and put her hands in front of her for protection.

Tamara wouldn't let Tori go near her, she she held the broken bottle to Tori. Tori put her hands up like someone was pointing a gun at her.

"n-now Tamara, please calm down" Tori pleaded

"no! you ruined everything! I fucking hate you! you just had to come and ruin this whole thing! just when I thought you came back for good so that we could have fun like old times! but no! you had to almost kill us with a giant robot! you had to shatter my heart like it was a fragile vase!" Tamara shouted back

Tori was confused when she said Tori broke her heart, but she shook it off, the only important thing right now was Tamara.

"I-I know, and that was a big mistake, but I came back hoping I could earn everything back! I know I'm stupid, and you hate me, but if you could just see how much I've changed, we could be friends!" Tori tried reasoning

Tamara stopped for a moment. Then everything started spinning. Tamara dropped her eye lids and fell to the floor. Tori rushed over and held her head. Luckily she had finally passed out from drinking. Tori wasn't sure if she'd be able to, but she proceeded to drag Tamara to her room.

Tori made it to Tamara's room. She picked Tamara up and dropped her on her bed. She sighed in relief and smiled. She was about to walk away when someone grabbed her sleeve. Tamara was still asleep, but she was clinging onto Tori's sleeve.

"no, I'm sorry, but you'd kill me in the morning" Tori whispered to the sleeping drunk

Tori gently ripped Tamara's grip off of her sleeve. She found Tamara's bear on the floor and decided to pick it up. Tori then walked back over to Tamara and slipped it into her arms. Tamara smiled and gripped the bear tighter. Tori smiled at the finally calm and happy Tamara.

Tori walked back to her room and plopped herself onto her bed. She snuggled in the blankets. Tori decided sleeping in all of her clothes wasn't the best idea, so she tuck off her black leggings, her red hoodie, her black and white sneakers and removed the scrunchie from the back of her head, leaving her in her grey T-shirt, pants, bra, and socks.

Tori buried herself in the fluffy blankets. She soon fell asleep. Her cute little snores filling the quietness around the house.

Word count: 1092

Black and Burns {TamTori} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now