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Sorry for no updating in a while
I'm moving so it means that I had to fly and go to hotels and leave and go to houses
So I didn't have any WiFi
Anyway, onto the story

The four girls all got new outfits and went to try them on. They were satisfied with their outfit choices and decided to go to the bathroom and put their new clothes on there. The girls got their new clothes on and walked out of the bathroom giggling and laughing.

Tori was wearing a pink crop-top, light denim shorts with white rips, light blue and yellow bangles (sort of like bracelets), light blue converse and a pink bobble keeping her scrunchie up and her hair in the same style.

Tamara wore a black top that went over her hands, white shorts, black converse, and a white bobble to keep her ponytail up.

Ell was wearing a yellow T-shirt with little/thin straps holding it up, denim jeans, green converse and a green bobble holding her ponytail.

Matilda wore a blue top that went over one shoulder, a white skirt, purple converse and a purple flower in her hair.

As the four girls walked around, they just looked at each other for answers to as where they were going. They kept walking until Matilda sprung up and scared the ice pops out of everyone.

"I know what we can do! We can get smoothies!" Matilda cheered

"That sounds good, I'm down" Ell said looking at Tamara and Tori

"Eh, Whatever, let's go" Tamara shrugged with a smile

"Yes!" Tori started running off before anyone else

"I'm gonna catch you Tori!" Matilda laughed as she ran after Tori, leaving Tamara and Ell walking together at the back

Ell turned to Tamara as they walked "so, how long have you and Tori been hiding it from me and Matilda?" She asked

"Um... well she knew I had feelings for her and confessed to me too... um... 1 or 2 days ago?" Tamara questioned herself, not quite remembering how long ago it was

"I see, it's so cute that you two are together" Ell cat smiled

"Heh, yeah" Tamara looked back at the ground

Tamara and Ell turned the corner to go to the smoothie bar, where they were assuming Tori and Matilda were sitting, but they weren't there.

"They said... smoothies... didn't they?" Ell asked

Tamara nodded. The two grew suspicious and decided to walk around and look for the other two. They were walking near the bathrooms when they heard a sudden scream come from the boys bathroom, and it sounded like Tori. Tamara immediately burst into the bathroom. Tamara and Ell's eyes widened.

Two boys were trying to remove Matilda and Tori's clothing. Tori and Matilda were struggling and were trying to fight back but nothing was working. The two boys turned to face Tamara and Ell. The boys quickly rushed out when they noticed the dark pinky-purple aura surrounding Tamara. Although, to all the others, Tamara just looked pissed, Tamara was only allowing herself to show her inner monster to the boys to scare them away.

Tamara watched as the boys ran out. She turned back around to see Ell trying to calm Matilda down, and Tori crying on the floor. Tamara rushed over to Tori's side. She knelt beside her and grabbed her hand.

"Tori, look at me, your ok" Tamara reassured as she squeezed Tori's hand

Tori shakily and slowly looked over to Tamara. The amount of tears that were being shaken out of her eyes was unbelievable. Tamara felt the tears swelling in her eyes. She thought of how she couldn't have been there to protect Tori, and how if she wasn't here or if she didn't get here in time, Tori could've been hurt and even worse.

Tamara sucked up her tears and tuck a deep breath in and out. She picked Tori up. Tori wrapped her legs around Tamara's waist, and wrapped her arms around her neck. Tamara supported Tori's weight with one hand and used her other to stroke her hair. Tamara kissed her on the cheek, but Tori's shaking was still going, although it was fading slowly.

Tamara looked to Ell and Matilda. Ell clenched Matilda's hand as they walked to Tamara and Tori.

"Let's go, we need to get these two home" Ell's voice was a bit raspy and she had tear marks down her cheeks

"Agreed" Tamara nodded

Tamara carried Tori and Ell tightly held Matilda's hand on the way home.

Tamara made a mental promise to herself.
She wasn't going to leave Tori's side.
She wasn't going to risk anything.
Tori meant the world to her.
So she wasn't going to lose her again.
And that was a promise Tamara planned on keeping.

Word count: 806

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