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Tamara was sitting on her couch. The peacefulness floating around her house was so relaxing. That was until the ringing of her phone ruined everything. she angrily sighed and snatched her phone off of the small table beside the couch.

"Hello!?" She snapped

"come here now! Tori's back!" Ell squealed

Tamara dropped her phone. Her 'eyes' widened. She jumped up off of her sofa and ran as fast as she could to Ell's end of the hallway.

'This is not happening!' She thought to herself

Tamara eventually reached Ell and Matilda's apartment. The door was unlocked so she kicked it open. Then she walked in on something she thought she'd never see.

Ell was holding Tori's head while she was laying on the floor. When Tamara got closer she saw that Tori had some strange black stuff dripping out of her closed eyes and her mouth. Matilda ran back into the room with some water and a cloth. Matilda gently wiped away all the black coming from Tori's eyes and mouth.

Tamara walked over to Ell and kneeled down next to her. Ell looked over at Tamara with the tears strolling down her cheeks.

"um... did this happen before you called me? or after?" Tamara asked Ell

"I hung up... and Matilda shouted me because Tori passed out, we think she passed out because of all this black stuff... we tried wiping it away but it burns!" Ell shouted between hiccups

"calm down Ell, I'm sure she'll be fine" Tamara reassured

"I hope so" Ell said quietly

Tamara tuck a closer inspection of Tori. Apart from all the black stuff, the left side of her face was scarred, she had an eye patch on, and she had a robotic arm, but her right side looked fine.  Tamara felt a wave of guilt wash over her, but she didn't know why. She didn't feel guilty when she thought Tori was DEAD. But I guess just seeing the damage she caused to Tori made her feel horrible, this is now something Tori has to live with forever.

Tamara looked at her left arm.  She saw how clear it was. No scars, no cuts, no bruises. She touched her left 'eye' and felt nothing covering it. Then she stroked her hand down her face from her eye. She felt no damage.

The guilt Tamara felt was never ending. She hated it. She just wanted it to go away. She gulped and tuck a deep breath out.

"Ell, can you go and get something to cover her, Matilda, can you get her honey lemon tea for when she wakes up?" Tamara asked

"o-ok" Ell stuttered

"of course!" Matilda shouted in a panicky tone

Tamara tuck over Ell's place in holding Tori's head up. No more black was coming out of her eyes nor her mouth. Tamara stroked the top of Tori's hair. She didn't know why she was doing it, but she felt like now was probably not the time to be scowling and frowning about Tori's presence. She continued to stroke her hair until she heard groans. Tamara carefully looked over to see Tori slowly opening her eyes.

So that Tori wouldn't say anything about it later, Tamara gently placed her head on the floor before Tori had fully awoken. Tamara carefully and quietly shuffled herself to the side of Tori. Tamara pretended that she had been like that the hole time.

Tori eventually got her eyes open and looked at her surroundings. She shot up when she saw where she was. She panicked inside when she saw who was glaring at her.

"she's awake!" Tamara shouted to the other two

Matilda and Ell quickly ran into the room. Ell got on her knees and hugged Tori tightly. Tori hugged back gently. Matilda smiled with tears in her eyes. Ell let go and wiped her tears away. Matilda held out her hand to help Ell up. Ell helped Tori up and Matilda helped Tamara back up.

"alright, she's ok now, so I'm going home" Tamara snapped

Ell pulled the back of Tamara's hoodie and Tamara shot back.

"oh no your not! Tori just got here, and I bet she's terrified from what just happened! you cant spend your life locked up in your apartment either, you haven't come out after what happened" Ell contemplated

Tamara sighed and walked over to the couch. She slumped herself onto the couch and sat there moping. Ell turned back to Tori and started waving her hands in front of her as she spoke.

"its ok, she'll warm up to you again... I just hope you know that after the incident she's been a bit... Unhappy"

"no, I completely understand, she has every right to be angry at me, after all, I didn't come back for forgiveness" Tori nervously laughed while rubbing the back of her neck.

Ell smiled at her and walked off to go and find a movie to watch. Matilda came back from the kitchen and handed her the cup of honey lemon tea.

"h-how did you know? this is my favourite, my mum used to make this for me every time I was sick" Tori smiled 

"I didn't, Tamara told me to make it for you" Matilda smiled back

"r-really?" Tori asked with a surprised tone 

"we should all stop talking now!" Tamara looked behind the sofa and shouted with a bright red face

Tori just giggled at Tamara's actions. This made Tamara light up even more. She sloped back onto the sofa and crossed her arms. Tori walked to the sofa and placed the cup on the little table next to the sofa.
(Every apartment has the same design and layout, and since everyone has only just moved in they haven't had time to change anything) 
Tori then proceeded to sit down next to Tamara. Tamara snapped out of her sulking and turned her head to Tori. Tori smiled at her, Tamara just slashed her head back to look at the floor. She was the colour of a tomato at this point. Tori just giggled again.

Tori had the sleeves of her hoodie covering her hands. She sighed and slumped onto the sofa. She twiddled her sleeves around each other. She smiled as she watched the twirling, it looked like dancing. Then she remembered her childhood in Norway. She would always listen to the music outside on the street and dance around to it in her room, even at night when she was supposed to be asleep. Tears swelled up as she remembered the happy moments. She gently wiped them away and looked back at Tamara. Tamara was looking at the floor, her bright red face glowing up the room.

'Dam commie, she always used that cute little giggle with everything, her stupid hair horns, her little scrunchie, her flawless long hair, she always was the cutest and prettiest out of all of us, but when we got to college she was just a slut with it' Tamara thought to herself, her face only getting brighter at every detail she described

Ell came back into the room shouting "let's watch some watch this!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Ell. They saw 'return of the insane zombie pirates from hell 6!' and Tori and Matilda gasped at the sound of it. Tamara just said her simple little "lame" and turned back around with her arms folded.

Matilda launched herself onto the sofa on the other side of Tamara, and Ell simply walked over and sat next to Matilda. Which meant Tamara had to sit next to Tori, which she wasn't happy about, but she stayed quiet. Ell turned on the TV along with the movie, and everyone started getting sucked into the movies grasp.

This sucked big time
And I went over the top with how long this was
I just wanted to make up for having a short Chapter last time
And I wasn't gonna cut this into two bits
So, plz just enjoy it like this
Word count: 1348

Black and Burns {TamTori} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now