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(Two chapters in one day? ;3)

Tori woke up witch a stretch and a yawn. For a second her anxiety came rushing back to her, she didn't know where she was, but as her eyes adjusted to room, she remembered what happened yesterday.

Tori dragged herself out of bed. Her head started pounding and her eyes hurt, but that happened every morning, so this was normal. Soon her eyes will adjust to everything and everything will stop hurting.

She walked round the corner to see Tamara sat at the table with her head down. When Tamara lifted her head up to see who was standing there, her face flushed a deep red. Tori was standing there in her pants and grey T-shirt, hanging down her shoulder at one side, showing a bit of her bra and her hair in a cute mess.

"what?" Tori asked tiredly

Tamara pointed to her outfit. Tori looked down and her face went the same colour as Tamara's. She tried pulling her top down to cover her front half, but it only exposed her back half. Tori realized it wasn't working and ran back to her room. She put the rest of her clothes on and walked back into the kitchen.

Everything was quiet and awkward. Tamara was looking at the floor, trying to hide her cherry face. Tori decided to break the awkward silence.

"um... do you want me to make anything for breakfast?" Tori asked

"oh... um, s-sure" Tamara stuttered

Tori nodded and turned back around to the counter. She dragged out the pan and the measuring jug. She started making pancake mixture. When she made the pancake mixture, she poured half out from the measuring jug into the pan. After that pancake was done, she handed it to Tamara. Tamara shot her head back up in shock.

"th-thanks" Tamara stuttered and started eating

"no problem!" Tori cheered

Now that Tori was back in her normal mood, she continued making food. She poured the mixture into the pan. She waited until it was done to flip the pancake to the other side, but she wasn't going to use the spatula like she did with Tamara's. She tuck the pans handle with both of her hands, she flicked it up and the pancake spun around and landed back onto the pan.

"wow, that's really cool" Tamara smiled

"thanks!" Tori smiled back, Tamara must be in a good mood

she doesn't mean it

"huh?" Tori questioned her thoughts

she didn't care about you when she thought she'd killed you, why would she care now?


jut face it, your getting stuck in this little love game again

"shut up..."

why did fait save you from your attempt?

"GO AWAY!" Tori shouted while holding her head

Tori fell backwards and clenched her head. The same strange black from before was coming out of her mouth, and since it burned, she started to cry, but her tears turned to the same black burning sensation.

"oh my god! Tori!" Tamara yelled, panicked

Tamara put her arms under Tori's. Tamara was panicked and didn't know what to do. She gently let go of Tori and ran to the bathroom. She got a cloth and put some cold water on it. She ran back to Tori and wiped all the black away, but it kept coming out. Tamara panicked even more. She checked Tori's wrist for a pulse, but she couldn't feel one.

"please don't die on me now!" Tamara shouted

Tori started coughing up more black. Tamara was shocked by the sudden action. Tori started choking on it and Tamara tuck to action instantly. Tamara sat Tori on her lap and made her sit up straight. She patted Tori's back, helping her cough it all up.

"cmon, its ok, just let it all out" Tamara tried soothing Tori

Tori eventually stopped coughing it all up. Tamara wiped the rest away. She also helped wipe the bits coming from her eyes. Tori started breathing heavily and closing her eyes. Tamara was scared that she was gonna die, she held then squeezed Tori's hand to let Tori know that she was there and she cant give up.

Tamara lifted Tori up bridal style and carried her to her room. She gently placed Tori on her bed and got on her knees beside the bed. Tamara folded her arms on the bed and held her head on them. She looked at Tori with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Tamara tried not to cry, but she couldn't keep it in

Tamara put her head in the gap in her arms and started to sob. Tamara suddenly felt someone stroke the top of her head. Her eyes widened and she shot her head up. Tori sat there sadly smiling at her. Tamara shot her self up and hugged Tori tightly.

"I'm sorry!" Tamara cried

"f-for what?" Tori stuttered

"for almost killing you... you wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for me" Tamara sniffled

"I deserved it... its not your fault" Tori continued to stroke Tamara's head

Tamara let go and looked at Tori with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"why do you always say that?" Tamara asked


"You always say that you deserve all of this, but no one deserves to lose their arm and to have their face and eye damaged, and definitely no one deserves to be coughing and crying this weird black burning stuff"  Tamara cried more as she said every last word

Tori sighed and cupped Tamara's cheeks in her hands. Tori made Tamara look her dead in the eyes (or...eye?) and spoke in very bald and clear words.

"I. deserve. every. punishment. in the world. for making you sad."

Tamara looked shocked at Tori's statement. Tori slowly let her hands drop. Tamara wiped away her tears and hugged Tori again. Tamara didn't try and hold her tears in anymore, she just let them fall. Feeling Tamara's tears drip down Tori's back made Tori cry too.

The two parted from the hug and sadly smiled at each other. Tamara then got up. Tori was about to get up too, when Tamara gently pushed her back down onto the bed.

"no, you have to stay here and rest" Tamara argued

"its fine, I'm ok now" Tori argued back

"no! stay" Tamara demanded

Tori did as she was told and sat back down.

"you get back into what you were sleeping in and I'll make you your drink" Tamara said

Tori nodded and waited till' Tamara left to strip off. Tori sighed in relief. Not only has she finally earned  Tamara's trust again, she might have a chance at being something more.

Word count: 1122

Black and Burns {TamTori} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now