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     Rainbow Quartz was so reckless, so excited to see Earth from a whole new perspective. We wanted to calm her down, but she was so anxious to see the world around her. She sniffed every flower, leapt through every waterfall, sang every song the birds sung, danced with the leaves. After a while, Rose and I didn't stop her anymore. Rainbow had rarely seen Earth, rarely been able to play amongst its many wonders. Her laugh echoed through the woods, and suddenly, this wasn't such an urgent matter anymore.

     I wished that Rose and I could be with her, able to dance among the fields with her, but without us, she wouldn't exist. However, feeling her sheer joy was almost as good. Rainbow twirled in a wheat field, falling down onto her back and laughing as the wheat blew in the wind. She stretched out her arms, a smile spreading from one side of her face to the other. "I never knew Earth could be so much fun!"  She giggled, shooting up and running through the fields. She kicked away dandelions in the next field, watching them blow away and into the blue sky.

     Rainbow moved onto the next feature, which was a waterfall with a large, sparkling lake. She turned and spread out her arms, falling back and into the water. She laughed as she felt the cold liquid wash over her body and soak her clothes. She swam through the water, twirling like a dolphin and grazing her fingers on the plants and fish in the lake with her. Rainbow moved towards the waterfall, surfacing right underneath it. She didn't care that it soaked her hair and clasped it to her face and splashed around the water.

     She let out a laugh, one that made me begin to smile within her. One that was so contagious that even the birds began to mimic her sound, and the fish began to swim around her legs and arms. Rainbow took large gasps of breath just to keep her laugh going, and she threw her arms upwards to launch water everywhere. A deer bolted out from the forest, and Rainbow pushed out of the water and ran after it, not able to keep up with its sheer speed. Eventually, she tripped on a tree root and fell onto the ground, rolling onto her back and putting a hand on her stomach, giggling with enjoyment. She smiled with her perfect teeth as she looked up to the sky through the trees, watching the birds above fly around. 

     She sighed, her laugh diminishing. Her smile slowly disappeared, and she was silent for a minute. "It's not always going to be like this, isn't it?" She told herself, frowning. "I'm not sure...will it always be this beautiful?"It was as if she was asking us, but we were her. We were her thoughts, her everything. We felt everything and anything that happened to her, but Rose and I simply bonded between our relationship and nothing else. Rainbow Quartz was an entirely different person...and I loved that entirely different person. Rainbow wasn't like other gems that needed to bow down to someone, she was a free spirit and could laugh at anything. She didn't need direction because she found her own direction. She didn't need her own friends because she had enough fun by herself. But what if there was someone just like her, but they were under another Diamond's rule?

     Rose sensed these thoughts in me, and Rainbow let out a yelp as we unfused. Rose looked at me. "What are you thinking about?" She asked, and I put my hands on my shoulders.

     "Rainbow is so happy...we're so happy being her. What if there's other gems just like her, but they can't be like her? What if they can't enjoy simple things because they don't live on a planet as beautiful as this?"

     Rose Quartz was silent for a moment, and she furrowed her brow. "If there...really are other gems like her, then we'll send word to them. We'll find them, and if they do think freely, then they will find a way. But for now...we must focus on the matter at hand."

     "Rose?" I asked, and she lifted her gaze. A grin tugged on my lips. "Can't we let her finish? Did you not hear how much fun she was having?"

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