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     Steven blinked. "That can't be it."

     I shrugged, leaning back. "The rest is history. Tanzanite's shards were discovered in Pink's chambers, and that really started up the rebellion. We attacked a meeting for Blue Diamond and discovered Garnet, recruited her into the Crystal Gems, built the temple and followed through with her plan to kill Pink Diamond."

     He shook his head, standing. "But what about Blue? You said she wanted Pink dead! If she really wanted to kill Pink Diamond, then why is she so upset about her death?"

     I folded my hands in my lap, nodding. "She did want her dead. But she didn't think that Pink's death would happen so suddenly, and she didn't understand what it would be like without her. After that, White merely...went away. You hardly saw or heard anything of her. The murders...well, let's just say we never found that Sapphire. I don't know if they've kept springing up, but it really doesn't matter to me anymore. We're part of the Crystal Gems, and our home is here, on Pink Diamond's colony."

     Steven shook his head again and paced, trying to think everything through. "There's so many pieces that you aren't explaining to me. So many pieces of key information that's just left in the dark!"

     "I know, Steven, but you said you wanted to know what it was like as a Pearl, and this was my experience as one." I stood and smiled, stepping around the table. "Was it hard to kill my own Diamond? Yes, yes it was. That's why I cried when I did it. After that, I ran away, clutching her gem and her sword, and I found the safest hiding spot  and sat there for hours, crying so hard I could barely see." I kneeled down in front of him. "But if that had never happened, then you, Garnet, Amethyst, even myself...none of us would be here. The universe would be a different place."

     He was uncertain for a second, looking down to the floor and then back up at me. "Are you positive that the Sapphire you talked about isn't our own Sapphire?"

     I chuckled. "Yes, I'm positive it's not our Sapphire. Tanzanite described this one as an Emerald, but now that I'm not part of the Diamond Authority, then we will never know if she was found or not."

     "What about the other Tanzanites?, They're all trapped in the same place as the one you rescued!"

     Slowly, I nodded. "Yes, they are. But I don't know if they were stopped. I don't even know anything about the male gems Blue, Yellow, and White were talking about that day we discovered the Tanzanites. But," I brushed his curly hair behind his ear. "That's all over now."

     Steven glanced over my shoulder, then gasped, his eyes widening. I shot up and whirled around, putting my arm in front of him and gasping myself when I saw that Tanzanite who had disappeared that day so long ago, the one I'd stabbed with his own weapon. He breathed heavily, holding up his blade and looking more human than gem. "Finally," He panted, a grin tugging on his lips. "I've found you. After all these years, I've finally found you. And now, it's time to return the favor for what you did to me."

     I summoned my spear and looked to Steven. "Get the others." Was all I told him, and he ran out of the beach house, screaming for Garnet, Amethyst, and Lion. I turned to Tanzanite. "Why are you here? How did you come here?"

     "You really don't remember what he told you?" He laughed, not lowering his blade at all. "Portal magic is very common amongst us male gems. We're much more powerful than you normal gems. It was a long and hard road to find you, but once I saw this temple, I knew you had to be in it. I teleported inside and it was so interesting that you were speaking about us once I arrived."

     I raised my own spear. "You're not welcome here."

     "Oh, I know," He took a small step forwards. "Neither are you, Pink Pearl."

     I yelled and lunged forwards, slamming my spear against his sword and attempting to disarm him. His grip was iron, however, and he snatched my forearm and slammed me into the wall, causing boards to crack and shoot splinters this way and that. "Now it's my turn!" I shouted, spinning and knocking him to the ground with a roundhouse kick. He did stay down for long, however, standing quickly and clashing blades with me.

     "You're weak!" He taunted, pushing against my blade. He mockingly lowered his left arm, still pushing against me with a force that caused me to bare my teeth and shake with the struggle. "Just give up and make this easier!"

     Garnet, Amethyst, Connie, Lion, and Steven ran into the beach house, and both of us turned to them. Tanzanite looked back to me with a smile. "How adorable. The little Pearl has called for backup." He shoved me onto the ground, throwing his blade at the others with deadly precision. It sped straight towards Amethyst's gem, and she watched helplessly as it came closer and closer until...

     Steven leapt in front of the blade.

     My screams couldn't have been louder as I did not hesitate to drive my spear straight through Tanzanite's gem, causing his physical form to disappear and his gem shards to fly everywhere. I dropped my spear and looked to Steven, where I expected to see blood and a body, but instead, I saw Steven standing there with his shield raised, the sword embedded in it.

     He lowered his shield and gawked at the gem shards. Amethyst lifted her gaze. "You killed him," She muttered, and Garnet looked up. She stepped forwards, and where I normally would have moved away in fear, I held my ground.

     "I thought Steven was hurt. I acted completely out of context, and-" I was interrupted when Garnet kneeled down and lowered her visor.

     "You did what had to be done, Pearl." She said, pulling me into an embrace that I didn't return at first. "Like you said, you thought Steven was hurt. Any of us would have probably done the same."

     I was silent. Her touch, her voice, I'd heard and felt it all before. Yet now, I noticed that it was dangerously similar to Rose's. I returned the embrace, tears forming in my eyes. We sat there for a few moments, and when we released each other, Connie bent down and picked up one of the shards. "Who was that?"

     I smiled. "A Tanzanite," I knelt down and examined one of the shards as well. "They're gems who kill people for no reason at all. Or at least, I don't think there's a reason. I'm not sure."

     "Well, whoever it is," Garnet stepped on a shard, the piece crushing under her foot. Amethyst's face turned a sickly green. "They're gone now. Pearl, you said 'they're gems who kill people.' There are more out there?"

     I nodded. "Yes. But they aren't any of our concern, they are only obsessed with the Diamonds-"

     "Clearly they're obsessed with you, too!" Connie blurted. "I know I don't know much about this stuff, but I know that that gem was attacking you. We can't let the other Tanzanites come one by one to try and kill you. One day, one of them will prevail, and I don't think any of us are prepared for that."

     I couldn't find my voice. Amethyst gulped. "She's right. I don't know what I'd do if you were killed." Tears pooled in her eyes, and Garnet nodded in her agreement. Steven sniffed.

     "I've gone through so much with you, Pearl." He looked up. "I don't want our adventures to end. You, Garnet, and Amethyst are the moms I never had. And, no matter what, I can't have just Garnet and Amethyst. I need you here. Promise me that we'll find them and save them, like you did to that Tanzanite all that time ago?"

     After a moment, I nodded. "I promise."

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