Part 15

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I woke up to Jax screaming. I looked at the time and it was 6:39. I got up and I went to his room. I turned on the light and his face was red and so I picked him up. I tried to calm him down and usually he stops but he didn't. I knew something was wrong with him so I walked to the kitchen and I tried getting him to eat something but he didn't swallow it so i took it out of his mouth and I put my shoes on. I grabbed his blanket and pacifier and I walked to the car in my pjs.

They were black shorts

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They were black shorts. I put him in his car seat and I drove to the E.r. I got to the hospital and I carried him in. By now he was calmer but still crying.
M- hi my baby won't stop crying
She picked him up and I followed her to a room. She looked in his mouth
M- he said his throat hurt so maybe something with his throat
N- yeah follow me.
She brought me to a room and but him in a toddler bed. Jax was now calm and I had my hands on him so he could play with them
N- he needs his tonsils removed like now. So when's the last time he ate
M- like 8 hours ago
N- good I will schedule his surgery in 2 hours. For now keep him calm and don't give him anything to eat or drink
M- ok
She left and gave me an gown to put on him. So I did. I then started playing with him. I put his stuffed animals next to him. His dog and bunny.
M- you want to talk to grandma
J- gramma?
I took my phone out and I started FaceTiming my mom. She answered
Mo- why are you at the hospital
M- Jax is getting is tonsils removed
Mo- what
M- yeah I brought him here an hour ago and she said he needed to get his tonsils removed like now
Mo- well I'm at work and even if I did get off and get a plane I would get there 3 hours later
M- you don't have to come. They said it would only take 30 minutes
Mo- ok let me see him
I turned my phone on Jax and he held it. We hung up later
J- daddy
I tried FaceTiming Anthony but he didn't answer. Then the nurse came in
N- it's time
I put my phone away.
M- I'll see you when you get back
I kissed his head and he started crying. She then took him away. I had to wait in the waiting room so I went and sat down. I went on my phone and I posted this on my Instagram story

 I went on my phone and I posted this on my Instagram story

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I then went on my phone.

It's been 45 minutes and I didn't bother asking a doctor if anything was wrong because I thought they were behind schedule but then it turned into an hour and the nurse walked out and I stood up.
N- we have a problem
M- what
I got worried and my eyes started watering
N- he started losing blood like too much for a kid his age. I need to go back and try to help your son. I'll be back as soon as I know something.
She left and I started crying. I called Anthony and he wouldn't answer so then I called Cinda
C- hi hunny
I started crying
C- madi what's wrong
I calmed down
M- Jax had to get his tonsils removed and so he went into surgery. The nurse came out and told me he lost a lot of blood
I stopped and contained myself
M- and then she went back in and told me she will tell me if she knows something
C- who's all there
M- just me
C- did you call Anthony
M- I FaceTimed him for Jax and he didn't answer and then I called him just now and he didn't answer
C- maybe he's sleeping
M- no he hates me
C- hunny why would you say that
M- I told him I didn't trust him yet to be alone with Jax and he left mad and hurt
C- you want me to come down
M- please
C- I'll get there as fast as I can hunny
M- ok
We hung up
I was laying in my bed and madi FaceTimed me and I didn't answer it then he an hour later she called me and I still didn't answer. I was mad at her that she didn't trust me. I was still laying there and Erika ran into my room
E- tony did you see Madi's Instagram story
A- no why
She gave me her phone and I saw Jax in the hospital
E- what happened
A- idk
I got up and started getting worried. I put my shoes on and I ran downstairs. I grabbed jakes truck keys and I drove to the hospital. I got to the hospital and I was in a sweatshirt and shorts. I walked in and I looked around the waiting room and didn't see her
A- where's Madi brown
N- um her son is in surgery so she should be in the waiting room 3.
A- where the hell is that
N- second floor
I went to the elevator and I went up. I got there and I walked around the corner and I saw her sitting there. She was wiping her tear away and I instantly knew something was wrong. She looked at me and then looked away and wiped her tears. She was hugging Jax's bunny and dog and his blanket was on her lap
I saw Anthony and I looked away and wiped my tears. Thank god he was here now
Authors Note
-Read my other books
- Follow my Anthony account on Twitter and Instagram : tonys_squad

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