Part 18

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I stayed up all night and at 7:38 I walked around the hospital. I ended up stopping at the baby nursery. I looked at all the baby's some were sleeping and some were playing. Then the nurse walked up to me
N- hi is your baby here
M- no I'm just looking
N- ok
She left and then someone walked next to me and I looked and saw Anthony
A- come on let's go
He pulled me to Jax's room
A- I know you didn't sleep so go to bed right now
M- no I'm not tired
A- madi just an hour nap please
I laid down and he sat next to me.
M- I'm sorry about what I said that night
A- I don't understand
M- I know it's just I've never left him alone with anyone except my mom and your parents. He's never slept anywhere with out me because I'm scared something might happen to him
A- I understand now I just hope you trust me soon.
I then ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me.
A- madi
I opened my eyes and the nurse was in there. I quickly sat up
M- is everything ok
I looked at Jax and he was still laying there.
N- I have good news. I took out the tube that was helping him breathe
M- what. He can't breathe anymore then
A- madi he can breathe on his own
I looked at Anthony and smiled. I then hugged him and started crying. I knew he was crying to and I pulled away and wiped his tears
N- that means he's making progress. It might help to talk to him
M- ok thank you
She left.
M- call your parents
He left the room to call Cinda and I called my mom
Mo- hello
M- he's making progress
Mo- really that's great
M- he can breathe on his own
Mo- I'm so happy
We talked and hung up. Anthony came back
A- team 10 is here
M- send them in.
He left and a few minutes later chad, Sara, Jake, Erika, and Arie came in. I hugged Erika first
E- how are you
M- I'm doing better
E- good
I then hugged Sara
S- call me if you need anything
M- thank you
Then Jake
J- how are you. Better
M- yeah I'm doing better
J- good
I then hugged chad and Arie. Everyone surrounded around the bed
M- he started breathing on his own today
E- that's good
C- how did this happen
M- well Monday night Jax was crying so I calmed him down and he was touching his throat and he said it hurts so I gave him water and I told him it will feel better in the morning and so we went to bed and then I woke up to him screaming and it was almost 7. I tried feeding him and he still wouldn't stop so I took him here and he needed his tonsils removed so he had surgery
Ar- he's only a baby
M- my baby
We laughed and talked. An hour later they left. Anthony's family came with food. I hugged tony
M- he can breathe on his own
T- I know that's great
M- he misses you
T- I miss him too
Cinda brought me McDonald's and I ate it. We talked
R- we're leaving tonight. My dad has a ceremony
T- yeah I do
M- I'll keep you guys updated
C- I hope so
They left and me and Anthony sat on different sides of Jax.
M- well I guess if we have to talk to you Jax then I talk
I laughed
M- I miss you buddy
I touched him and rubbed his stomach
M- It's too quiet and boring without you
A- too quiet
M- Jax it's almost Christmas and I need to go shopping for you still. Yeah I'm slow I know.
M- then it's your birthday and you will turn 2. I know your getting old. Then it's your daddy's birthday and he's turning 22 and then it's my birthday and I'm turning 21
Anthony was staring at me and I stared at Jax.
There was a knock on the door and we looked at Anthony's girlfriend walked in.
H- hi is it ok if I'm here a few minutes
M- of course
I got up and smiled at her. It's hard to hate her because she's so nice. I went over and sat on the couch. Hannah walked over to Anthony and put her hand on his neck. He looked at her and smiled
H- is he getting better
She was talking to Anthony and I went on my phone
A- yeah he can breathe on his own
H- thats great
A- yeah
H- I should go
A- ok I'll talk to you tomorrow
They kissed and she left. Then there was another knock
M- who's famous in this room
He laughed and a nurse came with a baby
M- that's not our baby
N- I know. I'm going around the hospital to people that aren't sick and you guys can hold him
M- I will
I put on hand sanitizer and I put the baby In my arms. I sat down and looked at the baby.
I watched Madi talk to the baby and I couldn't help but realize she is a really great mom
N- ok it's time to go
Madi handed her the baby and she left.
M- I'm going to go shower will you call me
A- yeah go
I left and I went to my apartment and showered. I then went back to the hospital and Anthony was sleeping. I went to Jax and sat down.
M- I really miss you. It's been 3 days without seeing your beautiful brown hairs. It's 5 days til Christmas and we would be going to Ohio in 3 days.
I kissed his head
M- goodnight my baby
I then laid my face down and fell asleep
Authors Note
-Read my other books
- Follow my Anthony account on Twitter and Instagram : tonys_squad

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