Part 76

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A- comeee on babee. We're going to be late
M- I just need to put on my makeup quick. How about you go see if Jax is ready

Then Jax walked in and laid on the bed.

J- when are we going.
A- when your very slow mom gets done
M- hey I'm almost done.

I touched up my makeup and I was dressed In a grey sweater and black leggings with brown UGGs

I touched up my makeup and I was dressed In a grey sweater and black leggings with brown UGGs

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My hair was straightened and then we walked downstairs and I saw my mother baking a pie

M- you coming to Cinda's later
Mo- yeah I will later
M- ok well we're going to go now
Mo- ok bye I love you.
M- I love you too
Mo- bye Jax
J- bye gramma
Mo- bye Anthony
A- bye *moms name forgot it*

We left with some food that me and my mom made. When Anthony parked in the driveway there was Kristen's car, and Racheals car and a few more.

A- ok I'll carry in the food

We got out and I helped Jax out and he grabbed my hand and we walked in. I took off Jax's coat and he ran to Kristen's kids.

K- I haven't seen you in so long
M- I know. Too long

We hugged while Anthony put the food in the kitchen and then Kristen's kids hugged him. I then hugged Racheal and Cinda.

M- I missed you guys both
C- we missed you too
R- how's everything between your mom
M- everything's good now.
R- that's good
M- yeah it is.

Cinda left to talk to her mom in the kitchen and then Kristen walked over

M- how's the wedding planning
R- everything is ready I think.
K- it's going to be so pretty

We were talking for a while and then I saw Anthony walk to the kitchen

M- I'll be back

I walked to the boys and I sat down in front of them.

M- how's school?
Aiden- good. We don't have any homework
M- that's good. How about you Zach
Z- good I'm learning addition and subtraction
M- is it hard or easy
Z- easy
M- that's good. How's preschool carter.
C- good. I made you a turkey out of my hand.

He ran to Kristen and then came back with a turkey out of his hand

M- thank you so much buddy.

I hugged him and then they went back to playing with Jax. I then walked to the kitchen where Anthony's grandma and him and Cinda were.

AG- hi Madi how are you
M- I'm good like always how about you?
AG- getting old day by day. But you are get prettier and prettier every day
M- awww your so sweet

Just her Brothers Best Friend?❤️(Anthony Trujillo)Where stories live. Discover now