One Week Later

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Coming close to death, I guess, is an experience that is never the same for each individual person. What I experienced was nothing I had ever experienced before. I had created my own world, and physically went inside of it, while in reality I was slowly dying. I tried to explain it to Kara over this last week, and she had taken it pretty well. She did, however, give me the idea originally. “How you feeling today?” Kara asked, the both of us standing just in front of the school, our hands locked around each other.

       “I’m fine Kara, it’s not like I was shot.” She glared at me and I smiled back, she was still my best friend, but now we were something more, and it felt amazing. When you find that one person to fill up your life in such a way that nobody else can, it truly is a wonderful experience. “Come on let’s go.” I pulled her along, walking up the stairs and into the school. It wasn’t until I entered the school that I realized something that Madison said in my made up world.

“I’m someone who is trying to save you Des, someone from the real world who is reaching out to your soul to pull you back in.” Does that mean she was a real person, or did I just make her up along with everything else in there? I started looking around the school throughout the day, searching to see her familiar face so I could thank her for saving my life. Kara questioned me, said that maybe she wasn’t real, but I didn’t want to believe that, she saved my life, she had to be real.

“Des, it was just a part of your imagination.” She spoke up later in the day as we walked in for lunch. I shook my head, the both of us making our way to the back of the lunch room at an empty table. Along the way, people looked up and stared as we both held hands, some giggled, and some clapped, as if they were waiting for this day. Chris sat by his friends on the opposite side of the room, glaring at us, I was so mad that we were back in reality because that meant I never punched him in the face. “I’m going to grab a drink, do you want something?”

I looked over at the lunch line, my smile fading. “No, it’s okay.” I let the words slip out like a whisper; Kara stood there for a moment, and then walked right passed me to the line. In front of the line, paying for her food was a tall skinny girl with brown curly hair. She turned around to walk over to a table and that was when our eyes met. It was her, and from the sudden look on her face, she remembered me. Was it like a dream for her? Or did she physically enter my world too? She nodded to me and walked over to a filled table in the middle of the room, but I couldn’t stop looking, because maybe it wasn’t my imagination. Maybe I really walked into a different world just so I could come back here, so I could come back to Kara.

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