I bet a lot of me was lost *Chapter 1*

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I watched carefully as the water particles gently fell upon my window, eyeing their every movement as they slowly fell down. I looked back towards my blank piece of paper and began sketching out some lines. "Josh!" I continued focusing on my drawing, draining out the subtle sound. I looked up upon hearing a slight knock on my door. Hiding my depictionunder a few blankets. I slowly removed my earphones and wondered over to where the knocking was coming from. Opening the door I revealed my exhausted mother holding my sister in her arms, "we're leaving" she explained, reminding me that i'd be alone for a few days. I nodded informing her i'd understood and shut my door. I looked over to my clock, 10:30pm. I gradually made my way over to my bed putting on a old shirt and slipping under the quilt. The sound of raindrops quietly singing me to sleep.

"They left you for a reason."

"They want you dead by the time they get back."

Suddenly, I awoke. Hearing that similar voice blaring in my ears, a voice I hadn't heard for so many years had made it's return. "No, i'm fine. The doctor said I was, I am" I spoke aloud in a panicked tone.

"I guess the doctors got sick of you, just like everyone else did."

"No, no you're not real" I screamed tears leaking out of the corners of my eyes, my doubt becoming larger every second that went by.

"Do it"

The voice bellowed in ears repeatedly until I finally rose out of bed and ran towards my bathroom. Locking the door and grabbing the familiar object, pressing it forcefully against my wrists. Creating deep wounds that slowly filled up with pools crimson liquid, my eyes fading into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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