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Same as Palletecest but with Goth (obviously)
WOAH THERE THATS A LOT OF READS thank you so much for 1k reads!! (Nearly 2!)

(Goth is aloud to straight up walk into Palette's house)
3rd POV
Goth sat in his void, bored out of his mind. He missed his best friend Palette, who just so happened to be his crush. As he was messing with the seams of his cloak, he realized he could just teleport. "T-today might be the day I confess!"
After teleporting inside his house as usual, (not before confirming with both of their parents of course) he froze. He stood shocked at the scene in front of him. Palette and Rurik were sitting on the couch having a heated make out session. "P-palette?" The other two boys immediately looked up, sputtering in unison, "G-goth?" "What a-are you doing h-here??? Eheheh..." Palette nervously stuttered. "Nothing anymore..." And with that he teleported back to his house, tears immediately falling like waterfalls. It wasn't the fact that his crush was in love with someone else that was hurting him, well, not completely. It was the fact that his BEST FRIEND didn't tell him he got a BOYFRIEND. The thought was stuck in his head, making him cry more. 'Did he not actually think of me as his best friend? Did he not trust me? Does he hate me now? Are we still friends?' many negative thoughts rushed through his head at a mile a minute. Thankfully, Goth's parents were out on a date, so that wouldn't find out about his crush, or his depressive state.
After a couple more minutes of sobbing, he wiped his eyes, knowing he shouldn't dwell on stuff like this. 'I should know not everyone I like will like me back... I should've learned that with Cray...' He tried to get over it, but he knew it would take a while. Now the real thing he should worry about was weather he should talk to Palette about it or not.
That's what scared him. He was just a shy kid. All he wanted was for someone to love him back. He left his house, deciding to get some fresh air. Off in the distance he saw a lonesome skeleton in a familiar dark cloak, smiling. The one thing he never saw Lotus (fell Goth) do.

Lotus' POV
   I was happy Rurik finally found someone. Well more happy that he wasn't anywhere near me. I just hope he actually loves Palette and doesn't have to deal with any sort of abuse. I loved him so much. That was when he was kind, and his parents abused him. We were 14 at the time, and I had never been so in love. He cared for me like he does Palette. But then, he realized that everyone was bad where we lived, and found the meaning of  'kill or be killed'. He was never the same after he accidentally dusted a monster, said it 'felt right'. That's why I'm scared for Palette. It may not seem like it, but I actually liked him as a friend. I aslo feel pretty bad for Goth, pretty obvious he had a crush on Palette, but of course Goth is too shy, and Palette is too oblivious.

  Speak of the devil. Goth was walking by with tear stained cheeks, and heavy eyes. "Goth are you okay??" "Why would you like to know..." He was glaring at me. I could clearly tell he wanted to burst out into tears and tell me everything, we were really good friends once. I rolled my eyes and sighed, teleporting me to Rurik's house, soon to be my house. "W-why am I h-here?" He was still trying to act angry, how cute~ "I know you're acting." He started trembling. "It's ok to tell me, we're still friends right?" "*Sniff* WAHHHHHH HE DIDN'T EVEN TELL MEEEEEE!!! *hic*" woah holy- "S-sorry... *sniff* I just..." "It's ok tell me." "S-so since Pally's family is like an extension to mine, they let me walk in, *sniff* and I saw them kissing on the sofa *sniff* and then they noticed me *sniff* and I teleported away..." I patted his back and sat him on the couch. "It'll be okay. I'll get you a blanket and you could spend the night if you want to. Want anything to drink?" "Thanks. *Sniff* do you have t-tea?" "Yup! I'll get it started."

   After I finished making the tea and brought it to my little Gothy, I say down next to him. He mumbled 'thank you' and to a sip. I turned on his favorite movie, and he layed his head on my shoulder. I noticed I started blushing, and freaked out a little. 'Do I seriously like him?? Like we just started hanging out again! I mean, he is adorable.. WHAT AM I SAYING AHHH!!!!' He must of noticed my mental struggle since he started taking my shoulder. "Y-yeah?" "Are you o-okay? You're b-blushing a lot." Thing is, he was too.

Goth's POV
   I couldn't have gotten a crush on him this fast could I??? "Y-YEAH I'm f-fine!!" He was clearly hiding something since he was sweating and stuttering. WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THAT LOOK ANYWHERE!!!! I may be oblivious at times, but I'm not stupid. I grabbed the sides of his cheek bones and smashed my non-existent lips on to his. "!!!" He was surprised, but not resisting so I guess my accusation was correct. We parted and stared lovingly into each other's one pinprick. "I-I think I l-love you." I giggled and said, "M-me too." We snuggled up next to each other and kissed once more. And I thought I wouldn't get over Palette!

Ok so ye I've been gone, blah blah blah, I'm very sorry. I'll get right on to those requests though!!! Hope you enjoyed!