Dragon Hybrid!Reader x Fell!Sans

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Thanks for 5k reads y'all ❤️

⚠️ Language ⚠️

Fell's POV

   "H-hello! My name is T-Toaster! How are y-you two today?" Boss and I ignored the shy girl and continued to put our items on the belt. I could hear the girls golden wings nervously flutter as she fiddled with the hem of her golden jacket. Boss went up to her as i put the last few item up. "Your t-total is $53.57!" She took his card and finished. "Come a-again soon! Goodbye!"

   After we got home, we began to pack. After that Party, (CPAU) Sci had the bright idea to suggest camping. Apparently the Boss liked this idea, so here we are. "Pa- Boss, Do we really have to do this?" "Yes, Sans. And call me Papyrus from now on. Science said it would 'increase our brotherly love' or something." He made air quotes. I sighed and walked upstairs to get my bag, mainly full of mustard bottles. "Alright, Sans! Let's go! I got everything packed up."  I walked out of my room and huffed downstairs. I facepalmed when I realized I could've teleported.

   The drive was about 3 and a half hours. I was asleep for the most part, except for when we stopped at convenient stores. "----. ----! Sans!!" I jumped up from the map I took while Paps was talking. "Y-yeah bro?" He facepalmed. "Let's go set up camp."
    "Alright! Sans, will you go fetch some firewood? It was raining quite hard yesterday so you'll have to search." He stood up and looked at me for a response. "Sure, Bo- Paps." He smiled at me as I walked away.
   I had walked to a decently dense  part of the forest where the ground was mostly dry. I heard a quiet rustling and a branch snap. "*Whisper*" I turned towards the noise. "Huh? Who's there?"

   "Fuck!" I whispered to myself as the branch fell. "Huh? Who's there?" As soon as the skeleton turned around, I quietly snuck to a clearing in the trees to fly off. "Hey! Who- what are ya?" "Eep!" I quickly flew off to my cave, part of my shirt ripping even more. Once I arrived, I immediately fell asleep.

Fell's POV
   I watched the figure fly off, deciding to follow it. I saw it crawl into a cave and lay down. I teleported to the edge and quietly approached the sleeping figure. Once I drew near, I realised what it was. She's a gorgeous dragon hybrid with (h/l), (h/c) hair and shiney (s/c) (scale color) scales lining her wings and tail. My eyes moved from her face to her body. It was painfully scratched up and bruised, as if she was attacked. "You need some fixin' up." I whispered to myself as I picked her up to teleported back to camp.
   I laid her down on my blow up mattress and left to find Paps. "Papyrus!" I yelled at I ran over to him. "Yes, Sans? Where is the firewood?" "Not important. I found a dragon-human hybrid. She's pretty beaten up and I need the first-aid kit." "Oh my, what an excuse. It's in the glovebox in the car. *sigh* I'll go get the wood myself then." He said sarcastically. I dashed to the car and teleported to the tent. I started down at her, her chest slowly rising and falling. I shook my head and began to tend to her wounds. Once I finished I laid down next to her and drifted to sleep as the sun had already gone down.
   "Ahh!!! Who the hell are you?!?!" I jolted up and looked towards the voice. "Wha--- oh. Hey doll. I'm Fell!Sans, but you can call me Fell. If you're wondering what happened, I found you in a cave and brought you back here to fix ya up." She stared at me, slowly calming down. "O-oh. Thanks, I guess. I'm (Y/N)." We sat there in an awkward silence. "H-hey..." "Yeah, doll?" She looked down. *Mumble Mumble* "Doll, I can't hear you." "Um, c-can *mumble mumble*" "huh?" "I said, c-can I stay with y-you?" She looked up at me with the most innocent and adorable look I have ever seen. She started messing with the end of her tail as she waited for my answer. "S-sure, doll." She smiled and jumped on me, her tail swinging. "Yay! Thank you, Fell!" She nuzzled into my chest. "Oookay that's enough. We gotta go get breakfast with my bro." "Ok!" We walked out, Papyrus already making eggs. "Oh, hello brother, hello...?" She looked up. "My name's (Y/N)." "(Y/N). nice to meet you." She smiled at him, blushing. I felt... angry? I'm not jealous... am I? No.... "Alright. Time for breakfast!" (Y/N) excitedly jumped over to the food, giggling and brightly smiling. the corners of my mouth lightly lifted, but barely noticeable.

   Once we finished eating, we headed back to the car. "Hey (Y/N)?" "Yeah?" "Can you stay here for a sec? I need to talk to Paps real quick." "Sure!" I walked over to Papyrus, who was loading the car. "Hey Paps?" "Yes, Sans?" "Do you think uh... we could take (Y/N) back home with us? She doesn't have the best home." He turned away from the car, supposedly thinking. "Well," HE paused for a moment. "If you plan to actually take care of her, then yes. She will be your responsibility, not mine." I smiled, "Okay, thanks Boss. I'll go tell 'er." I walked over to her, trying not to show how excited I was to be able to spend more time with her. "Hey doll!" She jumped, turning to me. "Ah! Y-yes Fell?" "If you want to, you can stay with me and Paps!" Her eyes widened and sparkled with happiness. "R-really? You better not be fucking around." "I'm not. Now, you comin'?" "Hell yeah, bitch!"


   I jumped up and ran to catch up to Fell. Papyrus looked up at me and smiled, getting into the front seat. Fell opened back the door for me. I hopped in, watching Fell get in on the other side. He sat in the middle seat, leaned up against him. I blushed, my stomach starting to feel all fluttery. I leaned my head on his shoulder, not caring that my fang was pressing into my lip, my tail curling around our legs. Before I slipped into unconsciousness, I felt Fell's  head rest on mine, his arm wrapping around my shoulder.\

   I woke up to Fell lightly shaking my shoulder. "H-huh? What's up?" He grew a small smile. "We're home, doll." I immediately jumped up, excited to finally have a home. "Pfft- Are you okay?" I calmed down, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, just happy to finally have a real home." His smiled softened. "Well, I'm glad to have you here." I blushed. "C'mon. I'll show you to the room." I followed him upstairs to what I assume is his room. "Alright, sorry to say this but, we have to share a be-" "N-no  it's fine." We awkwardly stood there. "I-I'll go get you a pillow." I smiled, sitting down on the bed. "Why does it smell like mustard?" I whispered to myself, very confused. "Here ya go, doll." He tossed a clean pillow to me. "Thanks, Fell." We lied down, physically drained. "G'Night Doll." "Goodnight~ *yawn* Fell~"

   I woke up, an arm wrapped around me, and someone playing with my hair. "U... F-fell?" "O-oh... Sorry (Y/N). Didn't know you were awake." "It's fine." I paused. "I actually like it. I never actually get any love. People usually run and hide." He started to play with my hair again, I started to purr in delight.

3 Months later~~~

Fell POV

   Fuck, I gotta tell her... but how.... I sat there thinking, until a voice broke through my thoughts. "Heya Fell! What are ya thinking about?" I jumped, and stood up. "N-nothin'!" She looked at me, smelling my bullshit. "Okay then..." She turned around and started walking. "A-actually, (Y/N)?" "Yeah Felly?" I blushed at the nickname. "I...." I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her. She jumped, but slowly kissed back. We pulled apart for air. "F-fell..." I started panicking. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mmphf!-" She kissed me, holding the back of my neck. I moved my hands to her hips. The kiss became more heated. I grabbed her ass, allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth as she gasped. We continued to make out, until she pulled away for air. "Does this mean we're a thing?" I looked down at her and smiled. "Yeah I guess it does." I kissed her forehead and teleported us to the couch."

wow sorry for the delay had a bunch of stuff going on breakup and moving shit like that

I don't know if I'll have much time since marching band is about to start and then I'm starting highschool so hopefully I'll be able to write some more soon.