Chapter 7

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As I walked into the ice cream shop there was a semi-long line. There was a lot of people that came here. I also realized it was a Saturday and many people were here to relax and enjoy family time. I was looking around until I heard " Next" I walked over to the counter and asked for 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream. With that I grabbed my money handed her the money with that I walked out. When I walked out I was looking around everywhere to see if there is a table or bench that I could seat at. After 5 minutes I finally found a bench that was empty. I sat down and pulled out my phone to see if I had a notifications. I did. I had the usual vine and Instagram notifications none from my friend so I decided to look through what I had been notified about. After 30 minutes of looking down at my phone I saw that there was a girl sitting next to me. She must had just sat down because I never heard her sit. When I looked away I saw with the side of my eye that she was looking at me. I turned to look at her she was sitting on her phone. I was about to get up until she stopped me.

•Conversation with girl•

"What's ur name?" she asked

"Jeffrey. I'm new around here." I said while smiling.

"What's ur name?"

"My name is Bethany and nice to meet you Jeffrey. I know this may sound a little weird, but would you like me to show you around. I'm here most of the time so I know where a few things are."

"Thank you Bethany I would love to."

We walked around the beach and went to quit a few stores. After realizing it was about to be 9 soon I told her I had to go.

"I have to go. My parents are going to start to think I'm lost since this is our first day here. Thank you for showing me around."

"No problem. I'll see you around?" Bethany said

"Ya. You said your here often. Here do you have a phone."

She handed me her phone. I put my number in her phone and put my name under Beach Boy.

"Wait also one more thing do you know where 17890 Jungleberry Dr is [not real adress don't think. Made one up]"

She laughed and said it was up the street and then a left turn at the stop sign.

"Thanx. I should get going now. Also I put my phone number in your phone if you were wondering what I was doing with your phone."

She turned around and giggled while she was walking away. About 15-20 minutes I finally got home. My parents weren't home so I figured they must have gone out to eat. I went to my room and got my phone out. I had 4 messages. 2 from friends 1 from my mom telling me that her an my dad went to eat and that they would bring me food. The last message was from an unknown number which had to have meant that it was Bethany. I unlocked my phone and it read

'Hey this is Bethany if you were wondering. I had fun today. See you around soon'


'I had fun today to. Thank you again for showing me around. I'm pretty sure I would have been lost right now. So thank you'


'Welcome. But I better be going it's almost 9:30 and my parents are gonna start to question why am I up still. So night Jeffrey☺️


Night Bethany😴

I walked to the shower and turned it to medium since it was kinda hot here I didn't want to shower under hot water. After 20 minutes, I got out of the shower and did my night routine it was put clothes on, brush teeth, deorderent, and combed my hair. I check the time and it was 10 already. My parents still weren't home. So I just told them not to bring me food that I was going to sleep. They responded with a k night love you. I shut my phone off. And went to sleep.



Jeffrey Miller and IWhere stories live. Discover now