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a/n: hi!!! first authors note haha. thank you so so so much for your reads and rates and all the lovely comments ive been receiving! its what motivates me to keep this. schools been kicking my ass lately but ive finally completed chapter 3 after nearly a month!! ive already got a bunch of ideas about where i wanna take this story, but i hope you enjoy chapter 3! :)

Harry was never a fan of school. Sure, he enjoyed his friends and playing football but every teacher seemed to have a grudge against him. This was mostly due to the fact that he didn't pay attention in class and made snarky comments whenever possible. He also targeted teachers quite a lot for his pranks.

His P.E teacher liked him though. She was the only one.

The teacher who hated him the most? His science teacher. 

Thats's why he despised walking into science for first period. He attempted to sneak in amongst the crowd of people bustling in, however it didn't work as well as he would've hoped.

"Nice to see you early for once Harold."

God, he hated being called Harold.

"Don't ignore your teachers, Harold. Say good morning."

"Good morning sir" Harry softly lifted his head to look at his teacher. He was met with a stern nod which he took as a sign to just go and sit down. 

He sat there, head in hand, staring at the board. His mind was drifting off to other places however.

There were thoughts of football practice after school and how he was going to Josh's party on Friday and... the morning. The incident with the taller blonde boy kept replaying through Harry's mind. 

Just in the back of it though, like a radio playing from another room. Blurred and fuzzy but if he focuses hard enough, he can make it out. Simon's voice slowly becomes clearer and clearer but then suddenly it stops.

There was a small noise of static as the speaker in the room and a familiar voice began to fill the room. The voice of Simon Minter.

"Morning everyone, I hope you guys have had a good day so far, here are the daily announcements!"

This was better than hearing it in his memory. This was hearing it raw and real, with all the little things that made it special. 

What wasn't special though, were the topics discussed in the morning announcements.

Science club? Boring.

Girls Hockey? Doesn't matter to him.

Word of the day? Who gives a fuck?

Still, every word that exited that boys mouth made him feel something. He wasn't quite sure what but it was something. 

The morning kept replaying in his head. Simon Minter. Simon. Minter.


He had a thing for Simon.

He, Harry Lewis, had fallen for the morning announcements boy Simon Minter and he wasn't sure if he could do anything about it.

With that, he began working until the bell went. He wasn't sure if he had ever worked that hard before but he had to get that boy out of his head.

Harry pulled his backpack strap further onto his shoulder and headed out of his classroom into his second one for the day.

The next period was math, which seemed to go by in an instant. So did the small break, and his next two periods. He didn't quite know why most classes went by in a flash but he decided it was because there were more important things to him than Shakespeare's sonnets and some stupid algebraic formula he would forget a month after he graduated.

As fourth period (History, one of Harry's better subjects) came to a close, he left the classroom and headed towards the field, where his two friends Freezy and Cal were waiting for them. Freezy wasn't his real name obviously, but it's better than having two friends called Callum (Leads to a lot of funny mishaps though).

As he approached the two of them, they exchanged greetings and handshakes before sitting in a triangle at the edge of the field. Freezy had forgotten his football so they couldn't play like they did most breaks but that was ok. It was a few moments of silence before Cal broke it.

"Mate, valentines is in a week, you got any plans?"

Harry raised a brow as he looked at the boy and began to speak himself.

"Nah, not really a big fan of all that lovey dovey bullshit. Let me guess, you're doing something with Sarah?"

"Yeah, we're going to this cute little sushi restaurant."

"Sappy bitch." Harry laughed a little, then turned to Freezy and noticed he was rolling his eyes. 

"Don't get mad because you're single." The taller boy remarked.

"Yeah, you are single aren't you? Im sure you're talking to some chick though."

At Cal's comment, Harry froze up a tiny bit. He hadn't really talked to many girls ever since his last breakup.

"He always is." Freezy laughs and fistbumps the brunette of the group. 

"C'mon, spill the beans. Who is this mystery girl?"

"I'm not talking to anyone right now."

If anyone was watching Harry's hands closely, they would've noticed the fact that they were beginning to press into the sandwich, squashing the bread flat.

 "Man, thats lame. Got your eye on anyone though?" Freezy's voice again. Harry shrugs, not really wanting to suddenly come out on a Wednesday afternoon.

"Yeah, couple of people I suppose." 

 "Anyone we'd know?"  Cal raises a brow and leans in a little. 

Harry simply shakes his head and takes another bite of his sandwich. 

He wasn't really lying. Sure they knew who the guy he liked was but they couldn't tell anyone much about him. They didn't know his favourite colour, his hobbies, if he had any pets, that sort of thing.

Then again, neither could Harry. 

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