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How much does it for you? Does it hurt as much as it does for me?

It hurts, the way you easily forgot and erased what we have.

The way you quickly dropped and shattered my heart, leaving me to pick up the pieces. The way you easily moved on, easily stood up, easily ripped me apart to shreds. The way you easily chose someone else to replace me.

Someone who isn't ten thousand kilometers away. Someone who isn't on your computer screen. Someone who isn't a text, a message, a video, a voice note, a phone call, a two-week holiday. Someone who you can touch, kiss and fuck.

Someone you barely know.

It hurts, the way you picked someone else over me. Over someone who supported you, who picked you up when you were down. Over someone who gave you a shoulder, a chest, a heart and a hand. Over someone who keeps your hopes, your secrets, dreams and fears. Over someone who lives in your stories, who listened to your memories.

Someone you said you'd spend the rest of your life with.

Does it hurt for you? Like it does for me?

Or are you preoccupied in her bedroom to get what you can't have from me?

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