true or false?

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"We will always look at the bigger picture."
"Never doubt my love for you, never."
"It's you, it's always you. It has always been you. It will always be you."
"I will never leave, I can never leave you."
"We can make it."
"You're my home."
"I don't want to share anything with anyone else but you."
"We'll get married, travel the world, start our own family."
"Can we please just get married now?"
"I wish we were together already."
"I can't wait to see you soon."
"If I do, I'll always come back to you."
"You are my last, my last everything."
"I won't trade you for anything in the world."
"You're my world, my life. My everything, my home."

"I love you, always."

Tell me, were you lying when you said all those things to me? Were you lying when you made me believe your words? Was any of it true? Genuine?

If it is, the why did you leave?

If it isn't, then why did you stay with me in the first place?

I believed you. Whole heartedly. I put my faith, my life, my soul, my tears, my emotions, my thoughts and every single fiber of being in what I thought was our wonderful relationship. Our relationship, our misadventures, the beautiful and the damned parts. I put everything I had to it, because I believe you, and I love you with every piece of my fucked up heart.

Were it all lies?

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