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A remnant is,
a part, a piece, a quantity.
Left after the greater prospect,
has been used, removed, and wrecked.

I am a remnant,
of what I used to be.
A remnant of once was a girl who,
from a battle, would never flee.

I am but what is left,
a smoke, a flicker, a spark.
No longer am I the magnificent flame,
of whom you left your scarring mark.

My burning fire you have doused,
my entire strength you have strained.
A girl who once was whole, tough and ignited,
is now a girl, to your heart remains chained.

You broke her walls that protected her,
walls she worked hard to assemble.
You showed her the moon and the stars,
but left her exposed to the cold and vulnerable.

You met her at her best,
all bright eyes and big smiles
You cultivated a flower,
but then left her cracked heart in piles.

The pieces you took,
parts of her you found a beauty.
You filled your emptiness with her empowered soul,
but piece by piece she wastes away silently.

She gave it to you,
because she thought you needed saving.
She didn't mind losing herself,
Because she loves you, my sweet darling.

I am but a remnant, no longer her.
I am but what's left therafter.
Of a girl who thought the world could be more.
I no longer am the girl with a fierce ember.

So this is what's left
After you've got what you needed.
Beautiful parts gone, taken, stolen.
The ugly parts, paraded.

Just the smoke, a shard of glass,
A reflection in a broken mirror.
A fleck of dust, an old match.
And a girl left to wither.

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