12- •What to do•

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Gold POV-

I excited the room where I'm keeping the guard hostage. It's a hidden room under the Pizzeria that no one knows about except myself.

Now I don't usually swear unless necessary, it's not really my forte- but that little bitch had no right to spit on me! I don't know what punishment to give her just yet but I'll think of something.

Just thinking about her makes me angry, hates a strong word but I certainly hate her. I could just let her die from that injury of hers... I already patched it up though. Why did I do that?..

I'll deprive her from eating and drinking, that's the only reasonable punishment in this situation. I'll also leave her in that dark room for awhile, it might be risk of making her go insane but I know what I'm doing.

I should spend some time with my fellow friends since I have nothing else to do, I barely see them anymore so I'm due to pay them a good visit...

I walk to the eating area, the Pizzeria just closed so everyone should still be here. Sure enough, the band was still on stage- I interrupt their conversation.

"Hello, it's me." I use my trademark saying all the time, it's also one way they know it's myself. They all turn around at the same time with shocked and suprised expressions. I can hear what their thinking and it doesn't please me,

'Ugh, him!'

'What does he want!'

'You took you're time!'

'Go away!'

I have taught myself to hide my emotions well, but this really struck a nerve and made me feel a little... sad. I've always been an outcast, even in my first life- but these four, they always had each other! They only invited me to my last party because they felt pity for me. They'd always I was apart of the group, but really was I?

When we were brought back to life, I found out the Pizzeria had completely ditched my mascot years ago. Which means, I was only a piece of scrap metal who was long forgotten. I had to watch as my "friends" were forced to perform day on end, but I had nothing but a storage room- I couldn't even move properly because of the old mascots mechanics.

One day The Puppet and I who was actually a friend to me sometimes. Found out a way to make us into humans again! Of course our visual looks would be based off of the animatronic itself but we still would have a proper second chance at life. We now all look human and more alive than ever.

I barely remember my old life so I try to focus on new memories instead, it has occurred to me that my parents might not be even alive anymore... all I remember about my parents is that the years that they did raise me, they did one hell of a good job.

The Puppet and I got along more, we were both shy and quiet. The other four were just loud and so, so confident; I feel more sorrow for him, he was the first victim before us.. I can't imagine what he was thinking, what he had to go through seeing us being next. I wish to see The Puppet again sometime soon, I could really use the company...

I stare at the four kids "idols" in front of me, showing no emotion.

"You're all too kind." I state coldly, still wearing a neutral face and with that I turn away to walk back to the room my prisoner is being held in, I can take out my anger on her.... would she even still be alive?... Hah! Most unlikely.

Hmm, what to do? I could just give her another good kick, if she opens her mouth for any smart comment then I'll do that.

I approach the door but just stand outside for a little bit, those four out there will regret making me look like buffoon. Before I turn the handle... my stomach signals that I need to eat, I sigh and walk back to the eating area. I'll just eat Pizza.. and right in front of that starving dog.

I could've just teleported to the kitchen but sometimes I forget I have abilities.. I know that may seem impossible but it's possible for me. I couldn't see anyone on the tag anymore, good coast is clear! Walking into the kitchen, I choose a random Pizza and quickly take my leave.

I walk slowly on my way back, hopefully no one saw me grab Pizza, I don't usually eat it but today it feels right.

I arrive at the door again and try for the handle, only to find it won't open- 'huh? That's weird.'

I swear if she did anything to this door! I was confident she couldn't stand earlier since she put on a big show about not being able to stand. This is what I was afraid of... her being able to stand and then she would mess things around and do something stupid like this.

I was starting to lose my temper. My hands trying every technique to opening a door, it still won't budge. I decide to start ramming into it and kicking it whilst I held the doors handle in an opening position. And with one last budge, the door flinged open with a bang. If she WAS asleep, then she isn't now!

I proudly step into my own office/room. I flick the lights switch on and I see that the security guard is still playing dead. I walk over to her and I can see movement- heh, typical. I walk away and as soon as I whip out the Pizza, the fatty immediately perks up and struggles on her chains.

I watch in happiness to see her suffer. I begin eating as she turns her head to watch me, I'm honestly thoroughly impressed that she's still alive...

I remember that I didn't end up getting a drink while I was in the kitchen, i frustratedly stand up once again and before I leave the room I hand a few words to the night guard,

"Leave some Pizza for me!~" I coo to her, I can see that she visibly disturbed by this and I laugh to myself.

I make sure the door is securely shut properly and make my way to get a drink.

Then for that girl, her nightmare will return shortly after...

/////////////////// [comment if you want me to continue this book]

•Authors notes•

Hiii thanks for reading~💕💕💕

This was probably a crap chapter but I promise it'll be better next time! I was tired while working this chap so I apologise if I made errors. 😄😅


{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden Freddy x Reader🎩 [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now