26- •The shocking truth•

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[Name] POV-

I float around in the depths of the river, life draining from me as the seconds pass. My eyes shut tight and the sound of the heavy rain could be heard, beating against the surface of the river. The waters pressure increasing as I drift deeper into the lack of oxygen.

Giving up didn't seem as the option.. but was the answer. My body to weak to move on it's own, deep gashes all over my body causing immense pain as the cold water flushed into the seems- clearing away the blood that hurried to form a scab. Hair flowing around my face and adding to the suffocation..

Rocks everywhere, with coral and weeds drenched onto its surface. Quietness was heard as the deepened area had no life to it- my body resigned near a few seaweeds, swaying in the natural slow currents. My ragged clothes barely covering my body at this point, the tears and wears were to much for the attired fabric.

What had I done to deserve this?

My mind slipping away and continues to function wrongly, I kept going in and out of consciousness. My brain still deciding if it wants me awake to suffer or to be peacefully shut off.. I'd rather not have to be awake for the new and deadly experience, the pain was unbearable and all I wanted to do was breathe.

I feel lighter and still. Like something was helping me relax and take my mind off the situation- I felt like I was rising from the deep end and the water pressure eased off. Maybe this was me going to heaven now? Had I died already?? It felt like I was awake and aware, but I guess that's what spirits are and what they feel most of the time.

I slightly show movement as I suddenly feel my hand reach upwards and arise through somewhere or something, somewhere that didn't feel watery. It felt like a cool breeze was washing over my pruned up hand, but that couldn't be impossible if I'm in the water. My arm soon reaches into the gust of wind and suddenly I feel my whole body rest on something.

It felt solid and grainy. My face was buried into its surface, I couldn't move as my lungs were still mildly full of H2O. I get the feeling to gag so I allow its access and cough madly, I sense oxygen around me and I immediately hungrily swallow it down. I've never felt so glad to breathe! I gasp and continue to cough, I lay limply hunched over- grasping my throat as the coughs started to burn me.

I pat my chest to help recover from my coughing fit and to make sure I had successfully removed any water and excess amounts. My eyes wide open, focusing on absolutely nothing- all I could see was the ground and that the atmosphere around me was now dark.

I plop onto what felt like sand to me and rested. I couldn't move much but at least I can close my eyes in euphoria and complete bliss..

I gasp and sit immediately upwards, only to be yanked harshly back onto the surface under me. Sweating madly and panting like a dog on a hot summer day, my hands shaking slightly and my eyes filled with tears. I frantically look around me but I no longer see the room that I had grown used to, I was... somewhere else.

I could move my arms, legs and body. But if I try to actually sit up, something that is latched around my neck would pull me viciously onto the what seems like a poor and old wooden chair. I was layed downwards, my legs sticking upwards into the air- my legs to weak to move properly and the blood rushing to my head made it harder to make out of things.

Why is it that every time I get kidnapped, I get a nightmare? The nightmare doesn't even make sense, I don't remember it but I just know it wasn't a dream.

{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden Freddy x Reader🎩 [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now