31- •He is back•

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Purple Guy/ Vincent POV-

"NO!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, furious with the news I have received. That little fucker eliminated my Shadows! Who does he think he is!? He knows he'll have to hand over the girl sooner or later.. so why did he risk everything to protect her?

"I told you, you're not gonna win" a cackled voice speaks out of the mascots mouth that I share with the very being Springtrap. I hate whenever he takes control, it pisses me off! The pain in the arse should've decayed once I took over his body.

"Shut it" I warn fiercely. Already angered to the point of killing someone.

"You know I can't, this is MY body. I'm just saying... you longer have those Shadows to do your dirty work- so why bother with this whole 'taking the security guard' thing?"

I sneer and shake my head, trying to shut out his voice.. thing is the guy never stops talking; he's always there reminding me of my wrong doing and how I'll never succeed in perishing everyone. I seriously want to get Gerald to eliminate this piece of crap instead.

I prefer to call 'Gold' by his name that he was given by his parents. Ah Gerald, was such an innocent and kind hearted kid.. he used to sit alone with the Puppet freak- Patrick. They both were quiet and kept to themselves; that's why it was easy to lure them first and end their existence. But I was so terribly wrong about them,

Their soul wields great power and will. Patrick found a way to possess a Puppet and soon helped everyone else with forcing their souls into mascots. They were pathetic and lost and didn't know where to go, they needed poor old generous Pat' to regain a psychical appearance.

Now, I was already shocked that they were able to come back. But then... Gerald found a way..

A way to become human again! What an ridiculous idea I thought at the time, but boy was I wrong. Gerald informed Patrick about this and they soon teamed up and made the fact of them being human again a reality.

I figure that Gerald wanted to become human the most, seeing that his mascot suit was dysfunctional. He was unfortunate enough to for his soul to possess a broken body..

I couldn't let them become human again. I just couldn't. So I set out to make things right, I was going to end them permanently.

I remember grabbing my axe and briefly taking a quick glance at a photograph of my family. I stood proud with my beautiful wife and three astonishing kids, I adored all four of them.


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But... I started to have a drinking habit which would lead to me being an aggressive being, everyone was scared of me... my kids would purposely do extra curricular activities just so they could get away from me as much as possible.

My wife would do longer unnecessary shifts at work, so she wouldn't have to deal with my very being.

I hated that my family hated me. I had become something I feared the most... a disaster.

{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden Freddy x Reader🎩 [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now