29- •Growing more fond•

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[Name] POV~

I watch as that strange guy leaves to go home. I fooled him to think I went home myself, but instead I went outside and slipped to the back of the Pizzeria and re-entered through the fire exit. It was a pretty damn smart idea! I can tell the guy doesn't trust me nor want me involved with this whole 'co-worker' being missing problem.

Too bad for him, I'm stubborn and I won't back out of something mysterious. That friend he told me about that is in the hospital makes me worry and hope he's okay, I really want to know how he almost died. What did he do to piss off the co-worker to the point where he was going to get killed?

I didn't even catch any names, how I'm supposed to do anything if I don't know their damn names! All I know about this guy that thankfully returned my belongings, is that he has distinct green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He seems to be shifty but maybe he's just shy or lacking confidence?

{Time skip- few hours later}

I walk into the eating area but couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. It made me feel unnerved and wary..

I decide to take a seat, a little drained from energy after running around all day trying to find a clue on how the body's disappearance is valid. I still have that weird feeling, no one else should be near me at the moment- I catch something in the corner of my eye,

It was in the corner of the room, a darkened corner. I'll check it out? I choose to warily walk towards the shadow but I soon come to a halt.. it was the shape of something, not just any ordinary shadow or anything. It was the shape of a Bunny, much similar to Bonn's body shape and type.

"Uh.. hello?" I whisper to the being that was still currently facing the opposite way.

I take a step forward but what happened next, was quite disturbing.. the Bunny had suddenly gained movement and literally snapped its head to face me. White teeth and circles for eyes were only visible features on 'its' face, it slowly but surely- edges its body to turn around as well, now re-matching with its head. It just stared at me, a grin never seeming to fade on the darkened creature.

My brain started to get fuzzy and I stumble backwards, clasping my head trying to remove the dizziness.

I take a few more steps away from the 'being' but stop to bump into something. I quickly whip around, thinking it was the Bunny; but it wasn't... it appeared to be a shadow in the shape of a Bear, I can at least see its features. One missing ear, wire poking out of one of its eyes, square teeth reaching up all the way up on its jaw from the front of its mouth, top hat and bow and gleaming white irises that shone on me under its gaze.

It's wasn't human, nor robot. It had the morph of one of the Macot suits but a more deformed version... a shadow but still psychical somehow. I tremble with fear, expecting to get my throat ripped out at any moment.


I look to see the Bunny now positioned in front of me as well, which kind off freaked me out even more. I want to run but I could just be running straight into a foolish decision..

"You...there.. we.. must... restore.. peace"

The Bear speaks with a glitchy tone, as so does the Bunny-

"You.. have to... come with... us"

I shake my head vigorously- "no! Who are you guys?!"

{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden Freddy x Reader🎩 [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now