Chapter Seven

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   I moaned from the tapping sunlight against my face, wondering how many times I had awoken from my sleep last night, terrified that I was out in the storm but to my comfort Nate was right by my side each time I had waken. I rose from my bed and sat up with my legs crossed. Nate was perched next to me with a novel in his hands, his eyes were scanning through each and every word attentively. I grinned as I realised he was so engrossed in his novel, he hadn't noticed me wake.

"Good morning Nate," I hummed.

His eyes fluttered up and stared into mines. I noticed a small smile slowly played across his lips until he finally said, "Morning May, we will be leaving after breakfast so hurry and get changed."

"Okay," I answered.

With that Nate stood up and walked towards the door. As he opened the door I stopped him by saying, "Thank you Nate."

He turned his head and faced me with a welcoming smile. He then assured, " Anytime", before exiting the room.

If it wasn't for Nate who knows what would have happened to me. Gladly the storm had passed and now the sun was awake. It stayed high and mighty in the sky watching down on us with a bright smile.

I trudged across my bedroom and began to get ready for the adventure that awaits. I wore a simple knee length dress and a pair of sneakers. I combed my hair into a ponytail and left my room. I wandered into the kitchen where breakfast was already made by Cora who greeted me with a warming smile.

I took my seat next to Nate without hesitation. He helped me through last night and I couldn't be more grateful. We ate breakfast and tidied the kitchen. Soon enough it was time for us to part with Cora and start our journey. Nate had prepacked a knapsack with extra clothing, the book and some basic necessities which he slung across one shoulder. We made our way to the door and faced Cora.

Tears trickled down Cora's cheeks as she hugged her son good bye. She then embraced me into her arms and planted a kiss on my forehead before saying, "Stay safe."

Upon exiting the house we waved at Cora and began walking towards the gate that separated the two sides. We had to take two rights and one left to reach our destination.

"I hope we defeat Marlo in the end," I muttered as I used my hand to fan myself from the heat outside.

"We will, " Nate declared, raising his right hand up in the air which caused me to giggle.

After ten minutes we approached the gate that was guarded by soldiers. In front of us was tall iron bars. The top of the gate arched on both sides to meet at the center. One of Marlo's guard charged up to us and ordered why we were departing.

On our way to the gate, Nate informed me to allow him to do the talking when it came to the guards. So I stayed quiet and Nate replied, "We weren't able to pay our monthly fee so Marlo banished us to the dark side."

The guard hesitated at first but then yelled, "Raise the gate!"

We waited patiently and watched at the colossal gate slowly parted from the ground until it was up in the air. Both of us walked underneath the gate and stepped foot into the dark side.

What laid before me I couldn't have even imagined it. It was very different from the light side. There was a difference in the air I breathed, it was thick and had a foul taste. The sky was a shade of grey that reminded me of the storm that occurred last night.The stone ground had cracks and chunks broken in every step. Makeshift homes of cloth and wood scattered in all directions. Many people wore tattered clothing and had a layer of filth on it and their skin, even so I noticed some people smiling as they held they child's hand while walking about. I could see many children darting up and down playing a game of tag whilst every now and then someone would scold them for running. That brought a smile on my face to know at least some of these people are happy.

That smile quickly faded as I saw a man snatch a cloth bag from a helpless little girl. She cried out but no one bothered to help her so the man raced right passed me and Nate. Immediately I took action and rushed towards the man but before I could move Nate had gripped my wrist and held me back.

He said with a stern expression, " This happens all the time, let him get away. "

I yanked my wrist from his hold and shouted, " that doesn't mean I shouldn't try! "

I followed the man as he tried to escape. Luckily for me I was a fast runner as I always raced outside with the forest's animals. Soon I caught up to him and grabbed his hand, flipping him over onto his back. I placed my right foot against his chest and yelled, " Give me the girl's bag now! "

He tried to unleash himself from my foot but I didn't even flinch. Soon his face admitted defeat and he threw the bag behind me. I removed my foot and watched as the man disappeared into the distance. I turned around and collected the cloth bag from the ground and then made my way back to the little girl who was still crying. I knelt down and handed her the bag while wiping her tears.

"Next time hold on to it a little tighter," I hushed.

She peered at me and back at her cloth bag, processing what just happened. I'm guessing that most of the time you don't get back what was stolen.

As she realised that the bag was back with her, she smiled at me with her little eyes twinkling with joy. I rose up from my spot and parted her head and said, " Run along now. "

She nodded and skipped away with her hands wrapped around the bag. I now had to face an even worse threat. I walked back to Nate who was fuming. I could see the anger plastered on his face as he glared at me and then shouted, " I told you to let him get away! " 
"Well I'm sorry that I assisted a helpless little girl!" I retorted. I wouldn't have changed my decision for anything.

" You are so stubborn it's unbelievable! " He said waving his hands at me.

" Well get used to it because I'm not leaving anytime soon," I said grinning .

He muttered something under his breath and then huffed, " We have to get going to the Trading Market but next time May, listen to me please. "

I rolled my eyes and muttered," sure! "

With that I began following Nate who was walking towards the Trading Market.


Who was that bandit? How is May so skilled at kicking butt? You'll have to read more to find out!

I will try to update chapter eight as soon as possible. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did then vote and comment.

Bye! 😊😊💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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