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Jeremy's pov
A loud crack of thunder startled me and I looked out of the window, seeing that it was pouring down. I turned my attention to Michael, "I guess you're staying the night then."

He nodded slightly and pulled his knees up to his chest. I was confused for a second and then it hit me:

"Oh shit, you hate storms."

I stood up and sat down next to him, leaning against the wall and wrapping my arms around him. He quickly buried his head in my chest, whimpering slightly. Ever since we were kids, Michael had had a fear of storms. He was absolutely terrified of them. I rubbed his back slightly when I heard him start sobbing.

I kissed his temple, "Hey, you're alright I've got you."

Michael continued sobbing, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head slightly, "Micha, don't be sorry. You can't help it."

He grabbed onto my t-shirt and pulled himself even closer to me. I tightened my arms around him and kissed his forehead, mumbling reassurances in his ear. I hated that he was this scared and all I wanted to do was help him; I couldn't stand to see him like this.

Eventually he calmed down, but was still whimpering slightly. I put my finger under his chin and lifted it so that he was looking at me, "you're safe, okay?"

He kept eye contact, "you promise?"

"I promise."

He nodded and put his head on my shoulder. I began to play with his air absentmindedly, which seemed to calm him down even more. Eventually he drifted off to sleep. I didn't have the heart to wake him up, so I stayed sitting against the wall with my favourite person in my arms. I didn't even care that I was uncomfortable.

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