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Michael's pov
I jumped slightly as I got woken up by my phone ringing. I reached onto my bedside table, picking up my phone and answering, "Hello?" I said sleepily. I heard someone crying, specifically, Jeremy crying, "Jeremy. Are you okay?" He let out a sob, "Micha, can I please come over?" I quickly told him that he could come over and hung up the phone.
I got out of bed and made my way to my parents bedroom, knocking on the door lightly, "come in." I entered the room, "Jeremy's coming over-" One of my moms, Michelle, cut me off, "Michael, it's two in the morning." I stepped further into the room, "I know mom, but he called me and he was crying. He was really, really upset and he's already on his way. I can't tell him to turn around and go home!" I heard a sigh from my other mom, Molly, "okay, fine." I smiled, "thank you. Also, he'll probably be crying but please don't interrupt; it'll only upset him more."
I heard a knock on the door and made my way downstairs. I opened the door to see Jeremy, who was wearing pajamas and a raincoat, stood behind it. He was still crying so I quickly pulled him into a hug, not caring about the fact that his coat was getting me wet.
"Let's go upstairs," I said quietly, "I'll get you some dry clothes." He nodded and I took his hand, leading him upstairs. I unzipped his coat for him and hung it on the hook on the back of my bedroom door. I turned back to him, seeing the cuts and bruises that littered his arms.
I instantly knew what was wrong: his dad. For a few months now, Jeremy's Dad had been abusing him. He'd come over every time it got too much for him to handle and I was happy enough to help him. I got him some pajama bottoms out of my drawer and handed them to him. He quickly got changed and then sat on my bed, burying his face in his hands. I could tell he was trying to stifle his sobs. My heart broke for him.
I sat down on the bed and pulled him into my lap, wrapping my arms around him tightly. He clutched onto the fabric of my hoodie and buried his head in my chest. He was still trying to stifle his sobs, "Jere, you're allowed to cry." As soon as I said that his sobs got louder. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him.
After a while, he calmed down quite a bit. I kissed his forehead, "you're staying the night." I told him, not wanting him to got back home to his dad. Jeremy shook his head, sitting up slightly but not moving from my lap, "my dad-" I cut him off, "No. Jeremy, I'm not letting you go back. You're staying here tonight." He nodded and rested his head on my shoulder.
I noticed that he was shivering slightly. I moved him off my lap, causing him to whimper slightly, and pulled off my hoodie. I handed it to him and he gave me a tiny smile before pulling it over his head. He lay down on his side of the bed (we'd shared beds since we were very young, so we each had a 'side' of the bed.
I lay down next to him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled into me. I kissed his temple, "goodnight Jere, I love you." He looked up at me and kissed me on the lips before putting his head against my chest again, "goodnight Micha, I love you too."
I woke up to Jeremy stirring next to me. For a moment, I feared he was having a nightmare but he was only waking up. I kissed his forehead, "Morning." He looked up at me, his eyes filled with panic, "my dad's gonna be so angry." Tears began filling his eyes. I kissed his forehead again, "Jere, shh, it's okay. I'm not going to let him hurt you again. I promise you." He took a deep breath, "okay."
We decided to head downstairs for breakfast. I put my arm around him and led him down the stairs. We went into the kitchen and sat down at the table, where my moms already were. Michelle was cooking some eggs and Molly was sat at the table.
"Morning boys!" Molly said brightly. I smiled back at her, "mom can I talk to you please?" I got up and she followed me out, "what's up?" This was a long shot but it was worth a try, "Can Jeremy live with us?" Mom looked at me in surprise, "what? Why would he live with us?" I took a breath, feeling terrible for telling her without asking Jeremy first, "his dad's been abusing him." Her draw dropped, "What?!" She exclaimed, "Really?" I nodded.
"Michelle!" She called. My other mom quickly came out into the hall and my mom, Molly, spoke, "I think Jeremy's going to live with us and I just need to check with you." Michelle looked confused, "why would he live with us?" We explained to her and then we went into the kitchen to tell Jeremy.
I sat next to him and kissed his cheek, "Jeremy, how would you feel about living with us?" His jaw dropped and he looked at my moms, who smiled at him reassuringly. He turned back to me, "Really?" I smiled, "Yeah. I'm really sorry I didn't check with you, but I told my parents about your dad."
He grinned widely, tears filling his eyes. He launched forward and hugged me tightly, "I don't care. I'm too happy. I can really live here?" I pecked him on the lips, "if you want to." The smile didn't leave his face, "Yes please."

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