Jeremy Heere, dont you dare!

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Michael's pov
I'd had an argument with my moms and Jeremy wasn't answering his phone, so I was going for a walk through the park. I breathed in the cool night air, trying to take my mind off the fact that my parents were angry with me. I walked a little further and stopped when I noticed someone on the bridge.

Then I noticed they were on the wrong side of the railing and looked like they were ready to jump, which made me slightly nervous. However, I nearly had a heart attack when I realised who it was: Jeremy.

"Jeremy Heere, don't you dare!" He quickly turned around to face me, his face draining of colour.

He held onto the railing, "Michael, I can explai-"

"Explain what!? That you were about to kill up yourself!?" He looked slightly guilty but overall, he just looked sad.

"Michael, I'm- I'm sorry- I just- I can't do this anymore!"

I took a breath, "Jeremy," I started, speaking slowly, "please come away from the edge-"

"No!" He screamed, sounding distraught. Tears began streaming down his cheeks and only then did I notice the tears rolling down my own cheeks.

"Jeremy, please," I let out a sob.

Jeremy's face softened and he carefully climbed over. As soon as he was safe I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a tight hug. Sobs wracked his body as he hugged me back.

"I've got you," I whispered, "you'll be okay."

We stood there for a while, probably around half an hour, before Jeremy stopped sobbing. However, tears still rolled down his cheeks. That was understandable though; I was still crying too.

"I'm taking you to my place, okay?" I said, speaking softly. He nodded slightly so I wrapped my arm around his waist and we began walking to my house.


I opened my front door and I took Jeremy's hand, lacing our fingers together as we walked in. As soon as I shut the door one of my moms, Molly, spoke, "Michael? Is that you? We were worri-"

"It's really not the time Mom," I cut in, just wanting to get Jeremy upstairs. He began looking nervous, I squeezed his hand, letting him know that it was okay.

"But Micha-" "

I'm serious mom, not now!"

I began to lead Jeremy upstairs but my mom came into the hallway, "what's Jeremy doing here?"

"Mom!" I said beginning to get annoyed, "not now!"

I dragged Jeremy up the stairs and into my room, sitting him on the bed, "sorry about her."

Jeremy pulled his shoes off and lifted his feet into the bed, crossing his legs. I kicked off my shoes and copied his actions, "We need to talk," I said softly.

He squeezed his eyes shut, "I know."

I placed my hand on his knee, "what made you want to- want to do that?"

He sighed, "I am -I am sorry. I just hate- just hate myself so much a-and I just wanted to- wanted to get away from e-everything. In that- in that moment I just, uh, I really just wanted everything-wanted everything to stop. And-and everyone hates me- hates me anyway so..."

I pulled him into my lap, hugging him tightly, "I think you're forgetting about the fact that I love you a lot."

He shook his head, "I didn't- didn't forget, I j-just think I'm- think I'm a burden on y-you."

"Jeremy," I said sadly, "you're not a burden on anyone, especially not me. I love you so much. I'd be crushed if you died, Jere."

"R-really?" He asked, his voice extremely shaky, "you want me to stay- to stay alive?"

I kissed his temple, "of course I do Jere. Please, please, don't kill yourself."

He nodded slightly, "if it really means- really means that m-much to you, then I'll s-stay alive." I felt relieved until he added, "but I still want to die."

I leaned down and kissed him, "I'll help you through that."

He looked up at me, "you will?"

I nodded, "I'll help you through everything. If you need me, you call. From now on, I'll answer every single on of your phone calls. Don't worry about calling when I'm busy, because I'll drop everything. Okay?"

He gave me a very small smile, "Okay."

"Let's go to sleep, yeah?" I suggested. He nodded and we lay down, me wrapping my arms around Jeremy. He snuggled into my side, putting his arms around my waist. I kissed his forehead and then pulled him closer, shutting my eyes. We both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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