26. Epiphany

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-Yoongis POV-

Its been two days since I left Hoseok. Two days and he hasnt called or texted me. I left as soon as Jimin sent that picture. "Hyung? Tae is making pancakes. Come eat okay." I smiled at Jungkook before following him out. "Morning Hyung!" Taehyung called out as Jungkook approached him. Despite my recent heartbrake, I couldnt be more proud to know Jungkook is happy now. "Hyung? When your done with your breakfast. Can we talk? Privately." Taehyung whispered when Jungkook left to the bathroom. "Uh is everything okay?" I asked. He nodded happily before eating his pancakes. The morning continued normally, Jungkook told us about a cafe he applied for, Taehyung got a job at his cousins therapy place. Everyone was happy. I quitted my job at the local music shop since Hoseok works there. So I have plans to do some job hunting today.

Jungkook cleared the table and Taehyung quickly pulled me to the hallway. "Can we go talk now?" He asked. "Yeah. Hey Jungkook me and Tae will be back! He wants ice cream." I said aloud befire pulling him outside before Jungkook could respond. I drove us to the parking lot of the store and parked us. "Okay Tae. Whats on your mind?" I turn to watch him as he sat nervously. He didnt respond right away but he pulled a little box from his pocket and handed it to me. "I hope y-you arent making a move on me. Cause Jungk-." I said feeling uncomfortable seeing it was a ring. But Taehyung caught me off with a laugh. "No! I mean your handsome and all, but no. I only have eyes for your cousin." I sighed and relief. Jungkook truly is lucky.

Taehyung finally spoke up after a moment of silence. "I wanted to do this properly. I-I mean I know his parents passed away, and the whole situation with your parents. But being that you are legally his guardian, that makes you his 'almost dad.' So I want to ask your permission Hyung. I love Jeon Jungkook, I want to be with him forever. May I have your permission to marry him?" I was shocked, not too surprised but he was taking this serious. I respected that. "Jungkook is very sensitive sometimes. Can you handle that?" I said. "Yes, I would do anything for him." He answered quickly. "On his darkest days, and you know he has them. Will you stay by his side? Will you comfort him? Make him feel safe?" I pressed further earning a vigorous nod. "I promise. I want nothing more than to see his smile everyday. Im in love with him, every piece. Even the hidden parts he tries to hide. I wont abandon him." I couldnt help but cry at his words.

I reached over bringing him into a hug. "I-I approve of you. You know I will always be grateful that he found you. I wish his parents wouldve met you. They would be proud to know you exist in his life." We talked abit longer before grabbing some ice cream and heading back to Jungkook. I was excited for his future, I know he will be safe and happy with Taehyung. They behave like a married couple already. Ding!

Jimin: Hey, I was wondering if you were busy? Want to go grab coffee or something?

Me: Sure, you know the cafe near the hospital? I can meet you there at 11?

Jimin: Works for me! See you Hyung :)

Me: Ill see you Jimin.

I tucked my phone away as I sat on my bed. Alot of questions ran though my mind concerning Jimin. How did He know my name? Dr. Kim said he never mentioned me to Jimin. I can still remember his face when I introduced myself. And when I assured him that we never met before, he looked like he was in pain. But why? I only got that during his coma, he was dreaming. A dream that felt real to him. But why was I there? We never met. Would it be weird to ask him? I mean it sounds crazy, but Jimin seems perfectly sane. Pushing my thoughts aside I hopped into the shower. Jimin never left my mind though, why does he seem so interesting?

Maybe its the fact that he dreamt of me during his year long coma. What really happened that night? Does he know? The doctors said he showed signs of struggle. And he was bruised everywhere. Why would someone attack him? Hes so small and soft. He has my mind all kinds of fucked up with confusion. Plus, he made me a promise that he would "save me." But he will he do that? Do I really want to be saved? With these thoughts I changed and ran out to my car. Lets find out what could come of this friendship with Park Jimin.


If you noticed, there may be some details that are abit different regarding the characters. But dont worry! It will all be explained as the story progresses:)

I will say this much though, because it doesnt do any damage to the story (or spoil anything). Taemin will no longer make any appearances, he will only be mentioned:)

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