18. Crystal Snow

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-Yoongis POV-

Its been a few days since we made up and things have been good. I want to make things up to him, he took the news of my helping Shinee well. I decided to take him somewhere special tonight, as a re-do. I checked the clock and he gets off of work in 2 hours. Im so proud of him, he goes into the company for 4 hours and works his butt and comes him to me as my adorable little. I decided to clean up around the house and our room. I giggled at the drawings Jimin made overtime. As colorful as the room is, we dont have his drawings hanging up. So thats what Im going to do. He will love it. After I placed some of his stuffies on our bed.

*Time Skip*

I was awoken by someone poking my cheeks. "Wakey 'ungie. M-minnie wan cuddle too." I opened my eyes to see a pouting Jimin sitting with his arms crossed. I looked down to see I was cuddling one of his stuffies. "Come here then beautiful." He giggled and practically attempted to emerge our bodies together. "Minnie, tell Yoonie about your day? Were they nice to you?" I whispered. "Minnie hab a-a good day! W-we danced all day. A-and Uncles gave me luwch. B-but I wan Hyungie der too." He said as he buriedhis face in my chest. He spent the next few minutes singing disney songs and humming random songs as he played with my hair.

I carried him to the bathroom for his bath. "Bub, no splashies okay?" I instructed as he grabbed his toy bucket. "Otay Hyungie!!" "Inside voices baby." I instructed. "Sowry Hyungie." He whispers before continuing to play in the water. "Ill be right back, Im going to make some calls. Come out when your ready." I said before walking to the room. I called the restaurant to reserve carry out for this evening. As well as sending the Vkook duo to set up the place. "All done. Minnie drieded 'imsef." I turn to see Jimin all dressed and trying to dry his hair. "Baby, later on tonight I want you to be big for me okay? We are going somewhere special." Jimin just nodded happily. Before plopping down on the bed.

I was picking an outfit out when there was a loud crash in the living room followed by Jimins scream. "Yoonie!!" I ran out to see the door wide open and the shelf was pushed over. "Minnie come here." I called out as I closed the door. I looked to see him curled up in the corner. "Baby come here." I pulled him into my lap and he buried his face in my neck. "M-minnie dun wan to be awone pweese." He whispered after awile. "Did you see anyone bub?" I asked. "Yes..he made the mess Dada..a-and the ball." He said before crawling to a ball. Once he handed it to me I noticed a paper taped to it. I felt scared by the message written on it.

See how easy it is to get to him Yoongi? Better keep your man close, someone might steal him away from you :)

I looked over at Jimin and he was sitting there. "Minnie please, I need you to be big right now. I need to call the cops, okay? When your big, let me know. Ill make us lunch." He nodded and went into the room. After about 20 minutes, I turned to see Jimin. "Okay Im ready." I walked over and connected our lips before calling the cops. "I will protect you baby. Even if I have to drag you everywhere with me from now on." I whispered to him after the cops left our house. "I know Im safe with you, but who do you think is doing this to us? Maybe its the same person texting me." Jimin asked as we made our way to the room.

"I dont know. But lets not think about that right now, I want you to change. We are going out." I hope this will lighten the mood tonight. "Oh okay. Where are we going?" Jimin asked as he looked through his clothes. "Surprise for my baby boy." I whispered in his ear, earning a cute giggle from Jimin. I got him into the car and we drove off to my special place. My old studio apartment, which I still own as my get away place. "Y-yoongi what is this?" Jimin said once we stepped inside.

 "Y-yoongi what is this?" Jimin said once we stepped inside

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"Do you hate it?" I asked softly. "No! No, I love it so much. Its romantic." He whispered back. "Lets sit." I lead him under and sat beside him. "Hello, welcome to the gorgeous Min Restaurant. My name is Jungkook, Ill be your server today. Uh you only get one option." Jungkook came out on cue with our food. "Thanks Kookie." Jimin giggled. My favorite sound. "Hello Im Taehyung, I have brought out our finest wine for the couple. Enjoy." I smiled at both of them before signalling them to go somewhere else.

We ate our food as we talked. "Oh and Chanyeol would not stop bothering poor Kyungsoo. Its amazing he is still breathing." Jimin giggled. "Oh and Im starting to help with trainees tomorrow, its the girl group they formed. Im excited." I loved that he was happy, and his days were always fun to listen to. "Im glad my baby is happy." I whispered to him as I pulled him closer. "I am. I have the dream job, an amazing boyfriend. And friends like Tae and Kookie. I have it good now." He said back. "Yoongi? Can I ask you something?" Jimin said suddenly as he sat up. "Can you be my daddy? W-when Im little." I gulped, he finally asked.

"Of course love. I mean Minnie does it anyways. Im honored. Oh and you can call me Daddy when your in big space too y'know." I answered back earning a light shove. This night was perfect. Way more perfect then I thought. And I couldnt be more happier than to spend it with Jimin.

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