Move On

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you pulled your black bomber jacket closer to your body, your light jacket was no match for the cold canada air.

you spotted your favourite coffee shop in the distance, exactly where you were headed. your coffee machine in your apartment broke and you were in desperate need of one. that was if you could make it in there without freezing. the sidewalks in toronto seemed extra busy with teenage girls today, you wondered if there was some sort of concert later.

you sighed once you were inside the coffee shop, the warmth of the shop immediately warming you up. you glanced at the few people scattered around the shop, your eyes landing on one specific boy at one specific table.

it couldn't be him, you thought as you joined the line to buy your coffee, your eyes never leaving him. he could sense that someone was staring at him and in seconds his eyes met yours. he waved, sending you a small smile which you did not return. instead, you turned and faced the front of the line and never looked at him again.

"large latte and a heated chocolate chip cookie for y/n?" the barista called, handing you your drink and cookie. "have a nice day!"

"you too," you said, taking your items and sliding into a booth against the window. you felt his eyes on you the entire time and it was almost impossible to not acknowledge him, but you needed too.

to distract yourself, you pulled your phone out and started scrolling through your various social media accounts.

"y/n," he interrupted you, now standing at the edge of your table. "is this seat taken?"

you looked up from your phone for a split second to reveal your ex boyfriend shawn, standing in front of your table with his coffee and muffin hoping you would let him sit with you.

"it depends," you said. "who's asking?"

"y/n," he rolled his eyes. "please. it's getting busy and people are going to need seats."

"so?" you said, taking a sip of your scolding hot beverage.

"may i please sit here?"

"fine." you sighed, going back to your instagram feed. he slid into the booth across from you, setting his food on the table. you could sense is eyes still on you.

"yes?" you huffed, stuffing your phone in your pocket knowing you probably weren't going to use it until he left.

"haven't seen you in a while," he said. "how are you?"

you rolled your eyes, "you're the one who's been away for months and months so of course you haven't seen me in a while. i'm doing perfectly fine." you lied.

shawn was the one who decided to end things 6 months ago after almost two years, and for no reason at all which left you beyond pissed. he left for a new world tour a few weeks after and you haven't seen or spoken to him since. you were still extremely upset with him, but deep down you missed him dearly. you missed waking up to his adorable face every morning, and how you two could literally be doing nothing together but still enjoying yourselves since you were together, you missed his random bear hugs, and how we was always there for you even though he was in a different continent. overall, you missed him. you hated to tell anyone though, you thought it made you seem weak. why would you miss someone who left you? you didn't want to lie to yourself, it hurt when he broke up with you. you really thought he was the one.

"come on y/n, it's been months. are you still mad?" he asked.

you scoffed, "of course i'm still mad. you broke my heart shawn. you threw two years down the drain for nothing! do you know how many nights i cried myself to sleep because i was missing you? or how many nights i debated on calling you because i was that desperate? of course i'm still fucking mad shawn."

"i miss you," he whispered.

"move on." you said, as much as it broke you to say. you broke a piece of your warm cookie and dunked it in the coffee. neither of you said anything as you watched people walking by the shop. there were many teenage girls passing by, some were taking pictures and videos of the two of you in the window. you knew you were going to be all over the internet later.

"i made you cry?" shawn finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence. his eyes were filled with tears. you raised your eyebrows, finally turning to face him again. you nodded, not wanting to say anything to make him cry.
"y/n i'm so sorry, you know i hate when you cry. even if we aren't together." he wiped his eyes, "and knowing i caused it and couldn't do anything about it makes me feel so much worse."

"it's fine i guess, there's nothing you can do about it now. it happened and it's finished." you sighed, sliding over the rest of your cookie. you suddenly weren't hungry anymore.

"have you eaten anything yet?" he asked, eyeing the cookie.

you shook your head, "i was going to make myself some coffee but the machine broke so here i am." you chuckled. he knew that old coffee machine you had always broke, it wasn't rare that you came here for breakfast.

"you need to eat this," he slid the paper back to you. "please."

you didn't take it. "you don't get to do this shawn." you mumbled. "you do not get to waltz in here after 6 months and pretend everything is okay!"

you could feel your eyes starting to water but you quickly wiped them before shawn could notice. there was no way he was quick enough to tell anymore.

"y/n," he reached across the table to grab both your hands. "believe me when i say this. i'm so sorry, my intention was never to hurt you. i thought it would be best if we went our own ways because i couldn't bear to see you missing me all the time. i thought you deserved someone who could be there for you. i miss you y/n, and it's too bad it took me this long to realize that i'm the only one for you. you're the only one for me. i know this is a long shot, but will you please forgive me? maybe we could start things up again?"

you looked up at him, his eyes were full of hope. hope that you could find it in your heart to maybe forgive him.

"i don't know shawn," you sighed. "you broke my heart. it took me so long to recover. i can't go through that again."

"please y/n, i need you. i was a wreck without you, please." he begged. "we can take it slow, as slow as you want. just please say you'll forgive me?"

you weren't sure if you wanted to start things with him again if it could potentially end how it ended last time. but you knew that he was the only one for you, if you didn't forgive him now you would eventually.

"okay shawn, but we have to take baby steps? okay?"

"okay," he beamed. "baby steps it is."

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