Up To Bed

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"y/n?" you heard your husband call you, walking into the dark kitchen where you sat working on your laptop.

you were a lawyer which required you to do a lot of extra work at home, which you didn't mind at all, but sometimes you would be downstairs working for hours and hours. the case you were working on right now was really stressing you out and you couldn't take your mind off it.

shawn turned the light on in the kitchen, causing you to squint.

"y/n, babe, it's 2am. I think it's time to stop."
you got home at 6 from an exhausting day working on the case, and you hadn't got up from your seat at the table since.

normally you loved a challenging case, but this was the hardest one you've ever had and it was really taking a toll on you. you didn't want your client to lose, you knew he was innocent.

you were so consumed in your work, you barely had any other time for anything else and it was starting to affect your marriage.

shawn wasn't always home due to his career and when he was, he wanted to spend time with you. he was only home for a few months before starting his tour again, but this case was taking up so much time. he knew you didn't need to be spending this much time working on it, he was starting to think you didn't want to spend time with him anymore.

"just a little longer shawn, i promise." you yawned. you were so tired, but you needed just a tiny bit more information for tonight.

"y/n," he sighed, "you've been working since you got home for the past week now. do you just not want to spend time with me?"

"what, no!" you widened your eyes. "of course i want to spend time with you shawn, but this is a really important case and i can't lose."

you yawned again, resting your head on the wood table.

"i love you shawn, please don't think i don't want to spend time with you while you're here. there's just so much depending on this case and it's stressing me out."

you began typing again, trying to get in as much information as possible.

the kitchen table was scattered with files from everyone involved in this case, you couldn't keep up with it anymore.

shawn closed your laptop, taking it from you and putting it on the counter before collecting all the files and stacking them on top.

"shawn," you mumbled. you were defeated, ready to give up on this.

he walked over to you, putting one arm under your legs and one on your back, picking you up bridal style.

"come on, baby, up to bed."

you rested your head in the crook of his neck, finally being able to rest. you didn't realize how tired you actually were until just now.

he gently laid you on the bed before changing you out of your work clothes. he knew you were too tired to do it yourself, and you honestly didn't mind.

once he was done, he crawled under the warm comforter with you and pulled you into his chest.

"thank you," you whispered, "for putting up with all my work shit and not leaving. i love you shawn, don't ever think i don't."

he smiled against your hair, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head.

"i love you y/n, and i'm not going anywhere."

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