Me And The Boys Will Handle It

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you knew shawn wanted a big family and so did you, so when you found out you were pregnant for the fourth time you really weren't surprised.

you had three boys right now, the oldest being 14, your middle was 10, and your youngest was 5. you loved your boys but both you and shawn really, really wanted a girl.

this time, it was finally the little girl the two of you were hoping for. when you found out at your 20 week ultrasound, you and shawn got emotional.

you know the boys wanted a sister too, they were getting tired of it being only boys in the house.

you were now 30 weeks pregnant, and there was still so much to be done in such little time.
shawn decided today was the day he was going to build the crib in the nursery. the two of you had been up in the room all day, and he still hadn't figured it out.

"why did we have to buy such a complicated crib?" he cursed as the two pieces he was holding weren't fitting together.

"shawn," you giggled, picking up the instruction manual and handing it to him. "i think if you use this it'll make it easier."

the screams from two of the boys playing video games downstairs were heard from the nursery, followed by little footsteps running into the room.

"mommy!" your youngest son called as he ran into the room, "they won't let me play!" he cried.

you picked him up, "what's daddy doing?"

"daddy's building your little sisters bed." you told him. "but just between you and i, he isn't doing a very good job."

your son let out a small giggle and after holding him for about 5 minutes, you had to set him down much to his protests.

"sorry baby, but mommy's tired."

shawn stopped his attempt to put the pieces of the crib together and turned towards you. your son ran to him, shawn immediately engulfed him in a hug.

"babe, you've been standing all day. go rest, you know it isn't good for your back to be standing all day."

ever since you were pregnant with your first son, throughout the entire pregnancy you had horrible back pains. this continued with all your kids, and this one was definitely included.
before you could answer, your other two sons joined you in the pink room.

"shawn, it's fine. seriously."

"y/n." he said sternly, "go take a nap or something. me and the boys will handle it."
the two older boys gave their father a look.

"we're still playing!"

shawn gave them a look to say, 'no you're not. don't fight me.'

the boys sighed, before going over to help their dad. your five year old was eager to help too, which you found funny because he couldn't do much.

"y/n?" shawn asked, noticing you were still standing there. "i love you, but why are you still here?"

he left the boys to keep working on the crib as he grabbed your hand, guiding you out of the room.

"you're not allowed in there until later."

he led you into your shared bedroom where you happily sat down on the bed. carrying extra weight than normal really takes a toll on you, and you didn't notice how much your back hurt until just now.

you lied down, sighing in content as soon as your head hit the pillow. the last thing you heard was shawn's chuckles before he closed the door and you drifted off to sleep.

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