Dance With Me

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You've always loved the rain. There was just something about it that gave you a sense of calmness. Ever since you were a little girl everytime it rained you used to sit in front of your wide open back door and just sit and watch the rain fall. As a little girl, your mother used to hate it because the house would become rather cold with the door wide open but she could never bring herself to tell you to move away from the door.

Now as a 19 year old, things haven't changed a bit. You sat in silence with the doors to your balcony doors wide open and watched the rain fall. You glanced at your small kitchen table that was just to the right of you, it was filled with papers and binders and your laptop was still open due to all the work you had to complete before tomorrow's classes but you couldn't be bothered anymore.

You watched as people rushed out of their cars and into the building before they got too wet, and as other people walked along the sidewalk with their umbrella probably cursing at themselves for deciding to walk instead of drive to wherever they needed to go. You were content, safe in your apartment from the wetness with a mug of hot chocolate in your hands and the calm pitter patter of the rain.

A few knocks on your door interrupted everything and you carefully set your mug down on the table before adjusting the blanket you had wrapped around you before answering the door. You hoped whoever was on the other side didn't mind that your place was a mess and you were still wearing your pyjamas.

You opened the door to reveal your boyfriend of 4 months with a bag of takeout and some DVD's in hand. His wet hair was sticking to his forehead even with the hood of his sweater and you thought he couldn't get any cuter than he already was.

"Shawn?" you asked, a small smile playing on your lips. "What are you doing here it's pouring." you ushered him inside before shutting the door behind you. For the most part you were happy to see him but a small part of you was disappointed you were interrupted.

"I, uh, thought we could hang out." he said, scratching the back of his neck, taking a look around at the messiness of your apartment and the pile of work you had sitting on your kitchen table. "Unless you're busy of course, if you're busy I could just come back another time it's okay."

You chuckled at his awkwardness, even though you've been together for a few months he always seems to get uncontrollably nervous around you. It's like one minute he's an international superstar and the next minute he's just a boy trying his hardest to impress a girl that he's already won over.

"I'm not busy, I always have time for you." you smiled before gathering all the mess on your kitchen table and moving it so Shawn had room to put his things.

"Why is your door wide open?" he asked, a chill running through his body due to the cold wind being let in. "You're going to get sick."

"Oh, I was just sitting there, uh, watching the rain." you admitted. "It's something I've done since I was little." You moved to shut the door but were stopped before you could close it all the way.

"Don't close it," Shawn said, pulling another chair from the table and setting it next to yours. "Let's watch the rain."

You had to admit, you didn't expect this reaction from him. Most people think it's crazy that you enjoy sitting and watching rain fall but the fact that he didn't and that he wanted to do it with you made you feel something warm and fuzzy on the inside and you never wanted it to go away.

"Well what are you waiting for?" he chuckled, pulling you in by the blanket you were wearing. You smiled, taking the seat next to him and leaning your head on his shoulder. You both sat in silence for what seemed like forever before he got up without saying a word and extended his hand out for you.

"Let's go."

"What?" you asked, tightening the blanket around yourself.

"Let's go."

"Go where?"

"Out there." he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Out where?"

"There!" he rolled his eyes and looked out your balcony, shaking his hand as a hint for you to take it.

"There? Like outside? In the rain?"


Before you could answer, he grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your seat, bringing out out onto the small balcony in nothing but your t-shirt and some rather short sleep shorts.

"Dance with me." he pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist and shooting you an innocent smile before beginning to sway back and forth.

"This is insane." you giggled, not being able to hold back your laughs as you looked up at the boy in front of you. "This is the craziest thing you've ever done." You let your head fall to his soaking wet shoulder as he continued to sway the two of you back and forth while humming a tune you've never heard before.

"We're just dancing."

" the freezing cold rain."

"But isn't it fun?" he asked, there was a hint of insecurity in his voice, almost like he was nervous or scared that you actually didn't like his spontaneousness. He wasn't usually like this and he barely ever suggested things. You were typically the one who brought him out of his comfort zone at times because he was very reserved. Sometimes you thought that he was scared of you but eventually you came to the conclusion that he was very nervous around you and you thought it was cute. You liked this though, you liked it when he randomly suggested things you never thought you would do, even if it was dancing in the rain.

"So much fun."

He smiled before pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head and continuing his song. You knew anyone who was looking out their window must have thought you were completely insane but in this moment you didn't care. All you cared about was standing right in front of you and you wouldn't want it any other way.

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