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One Month

The office was buzzing with excitement when Y/n walked in bright and early. It was odd, she's never seen her employees so happy and full of life at 7 am before, but she found it oddly refreshing.

She greeted a few girls as she passed their respective cubicles, noticing how they were talking and giggling a little more than usual. They were new though, and they haven't gotten used to they way Y/n runs things around here.

All work and no play.

Sure, she knew she wasn't the most fun boss to work under, but her way of work is what got her to be the CEO at the young age of 25, so she considered it effective, no matter what her employees said about her behind her back.

"What's with all the excitement today?" She asked as she approached her assistant, Alicia. "Did we get the deal with Versace or something?"

Alicia looked up from her computer with a smirk, "Not yet."

"Then I don't understand?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "What's everyone so happy about?"

"We're just happy to see our boss happy." Alicia hummed, "There was a pretty big delivery for you about twenty minutes ago, secret admirer, perhaps?"

With the mention of a package, Y/n glanced through the windows into her office to see a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for her, size almost taking up her entire desk.

"Hand delivered by a cute boy too," Alicia added. "Did Ms. Stone Cold CEO finally turn soft?"

Y/n shrugged before turning away without another word, deciding she should let Alicia continue with her work. She flipped her lights on before shutting the door and making her way over to the flowers.

She toyed with the small card attached to the top before flipping it over and reading what's inside.

Today is the big day! Good luck babe, I know you're gonna get this deal! <3 - Shawn

She smiled as she set down the card and began to unwrap the flowers from their clear wrap.

She was surprised he remembered what was going on in her life. Their relationship was so new, and he had so much going on with himself to even begin to think about what she's doing.

She remembered telling him how nervous she was for this deal with Versace, it was make or break for her company but she wasn't so confident she was going to get the CEO of Versace to work with her.

He was quick to reassure her that she was badass and that she was going to get the deal, and that he was proud of her no matter what happens like she's done for him before.

Pulling her phone out, she snapped a picture of the roses to send to her boyfriend, before pressing the green call button.


"Oh my god Shawn," She breathed. "These are so beautiful."

"I'm glad you like them." He chuckled. "I was worried you weren't going to."

"I love them," She gushed as she plopped down in her office chair. "But you really didn't have to."

"I know, but I wanted to. Love to spoil my girl." He said, muttering the last part.

"Well, thank you. I love them."

"So I've heard." He smirked. "When's the big meeting?"

"Soon," She sighed. "I should go and prepare, Alicia is going to call me any minute now."

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