Too Young

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a/n: Shawn isn't famous in this!

They had just turned 20 when they decided to do it.

They were young and in love, so why would they not? Neither of them had cared about their lack of maturity or their parent's advice to wait. They loved each other and that was it for them.

Shawn randomly popped the question one night while they were watching a movie. She looked so cute and innocent just laying there on his chest as she fought against the urge to sleep, he just said it.

She was shocked at first, and it took some convincing on his part, but eventually, she said yes, completely disregarding the fact that she was 19 years old.

Both sets of parents were completely against it when they were told the news. Told them they were too young, that it wasn't going to last. They both had their whole lives ahead of them to get married, and they should focus on their careers now.

The young couple wasn't having any of it though, they were in love and wanted to get married and that was it for them. One month later they got married quickly on a beach in the tropics by themselves. No parents or friends to ruin their happiness, just their love for each other.

Now, she sits in the kitchen of their cozy condo, school bills piled up all around her, with her head in her hands wondering what the hell they she going to do. She had a part time job working as a waitress, so she was just barely getting by, and her tuition bills were through the roof, not to mention the water or electricity bills.

Shawn had dropped out of University once they got married in attempt to pursue is music career. He got a few gigs here and there, but also was working a few jobs on the side to make some extra cash. He had a Youtube channel with a few million subscribers, but apparently it wasn't enough to get him noticed.

It was safe to say they were both stressed and it was starting to take a toll on their relationship. Or at least that's what Y/n thought. He's been distant lately, and it was probably because of how exhausted and stressed how he is over money.

Sighing, she stood up from the small table for the first time in hours and strolled in to their shared bedroom where Shawn was mindlessly strumming his guitar.

"Hey babe," he greeted, looking up from his guitar as he noticed her walk in and plop onto their bed.

"Everything alright?"

He set is guitar on the stand next to the bed and sat down next to her, hand resting on her back as he began to softly rub up and down her back, knowing its something that usually calms her down.

"Do you ever think our parents were right?" She whispers, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"You know," She began, sniffling. "about getting married too young."

"N-no," Shawn stuttered, "I've never thought about that. I thought we were over this? I love you and that's what matters, not our age."

"I know," She sighed, "But Shawn, things are so hard right now. We're barely making enough money to survive, maybe we should have just waited until we had our lives figured out."

"We aren't poor Y/n, things aren't that bad."

"You don't see the bills Shawn, I'm the one who pays them and sees how after I pay the house bills I probably won't have enough for school, and I'll probably have to take out a loan which is another thing we'll be paying off sooner or later." She groaned, "I don't know what we're going to do."

"Look babe, I know things are hard now, but once my music career takes off bills will be the last of our worries." Shawn said, "Things are going to get better."

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