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I remember a night when things got bad
My dad had been drinking too much and I was upset
I called you, even though you wouldn't come

As I grew older it never went away
I found myself dialing your number
Patiently awaiting the answers you would never give me

It took me 17 years and 8 months to realize you would never choose me


You decided 9 months was enough with me.
You gave me a brother and then left me.
A sister came next but she wasn't for me.

Funny how that works, huh?
You were my first choice
I was never an option

So I leave you with this
Something you'll never read
Something that's all about me.

Gone are the excuses that you would always give
Gone are the lies that you never stopped telling
Gone are the memories that you never kept

Here I am
Set me free

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