Chapter 0.1 [Daniel] - An Average Start Into A Weird Life

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"Hey Markham, remember to 'share' your homework with us tomorrow.', said Brad Chase, while the two lackeys behind him snickered.

"Make me, mono-neuron moron." I answered, my signature smirk forming. "Oh wait, you can't." I proceeded to flip him off.

Brad really seemed like he wanted to wring my neck. But his workout routine seemed to get in the way of his growth. Dude was barely 5 feet as it is. Makes you wonder why he's technically a bully. I mentioned his workout routine didn't I? Guy could probably give me a concussion with one blow to my head. If he could reach my head that is.

Which leads you to ask another question. Why don't I fight back and assert dominance? Simple reason. I lack common sense when it comes to fighting. I always end up attacking people in places that could seriously injure them. Like the head, neck, the nether regions while fighting dudes, the nose, the stomach, the chest. These are my main targets when I get into a fight. I also don't know how to pull my punches very well. Which means, I either go all out or not at all.

Which is why, since I'm too scared to fight back, Brad has taken a habit of pestering me. Oh and let's not forget that his lackeys are taller than me. And his dad is a CEO of some obscure company. Not that these things bother me too much, seeing as how one of my many skills is to be completely invisible. Metaphorically. Well, almost metaphorically. Most of what I just said right now probably won't make sense to anyone but me. But you're not here to listen to me ramble about myself.

You're here for something that neither of us have any idea about. Well whatever it is, I better move on.

Brad suddenly lost his murderous expression and instead started to smile. 'Alright Markham, you win this time. Though, to be honest, I'd prefer it if you just let us copy your homework. Oh well, your bill will come in due time.', he said, turning around and heading out the door, followed by his lackeys. There was something off about him when he said that. Like he knew something I didn't, like he was actually holding back from just ripping me in half.

I shrugged it off, since I was probably just imagining it. I packed my bag and left the classroom as well.


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