Chapter 0.2 [Daniel] - Ms. Extra Credit

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"Hey Idiot, wait up!", shouted Alex, my childhood friend as the sound of pounding footsteps could be heard. In a crowd, that can be pretty impossible, but I've got some pretty good hearing.

Alex rushed up beside me, panting heavily from the exertion. "Oh hey. I didn't see you there." I said, pretending to be semi interested in her existence. "Where do you think you were going without me, Markham?" Alex asked in a serious tone.

"Home? Like I always do? Because, unlike Miss Extra-Credit here, I only aim to pass with my own intellect." I said.

When Alex didn't respond, I turned to look at her. She refused to look at me, her expression was that of someone who wanted to tell me something but couldn't.

Sensing her distress, I decided to change the subject. "So how was class?" I asked.

"What do you think? Mr. Barnum kept ranting about us kids having everything instead of teaching us Math. Mr. Kent slept through class, and Mrs. Shila just kept giving me more reasons to think she's secretly a snake." Azia began her rant about how her teachers are worthless and how she doesn't have enough time to study because of her extra curriculum activities.

I tried my best to hold back my comment about Alex just deserting whatever she does after school and focus on studying. But after what happened the last time I brought it up, well, there's no point in making one of my few friends mad at me to the point of not talking to me. And then apologizing to me. It's weird to see someome who only scolds you to suddenly apologize out of the blue.

So I just shut up and let her continue until she ran out of breath. Then we just walked in silence until we reached the school door.

"Alex!", shouted a small high pitched voice, that somehow managed to hold more authority than a war veteran turned P.E teacher that teaches their students self defense even though it isn't part of their curriculum.

The two of us turned around to see who it was and were greeted by a small, timid figure of a green haired girl wearing a school uniform that was specially tailored for her. "Hey Jessica. What's up?", greeted Alex.

"Student Council meeting today. You didn't forget did you?", asked Jessica, with an eyebrow raised.

Alex looked at me like she was debating how best to explain where she was going. I sighed and motioned for her to go, "It's fine, go ahead and save the world or whatever. I'll see you later." As I started walking away, I heard Alex call out to me, "Hey idiot! Thanks."

I simply waved and then headed outfhe school door. Back inside, I could here Jessica pulling at Alex and telling her to come quickly. I ignored them and began my boring commute back home.


Heya. Apologies for the short chapter. And also for not saying hi in the last one. I know you guys may have a few questions as to what the heck is going on, why does the story have the term "AU" in it and so on.

Well, for starters, this story is a mostly independent story save for some characters and some terminology. Long story short, I've been working on something for a while now. It's a story that I've kept under wraps for a fairly decent amount of time. However, I just recently reached the halfway point of the story. And I feel like Im close enough to the end to actually put the word out that I'm writing a story.

But that's besides the point. This story is quite literally, an Alternate Universe that exists within this Multiverse or "Prism" as it calls itself, that I've begun building. At the moment, one could easily consider them non-canon, or fanfics, written by the author.

But after the I've reached a certain goal, these stories will become canon. Why?

It's because, at the time of the super secret story I've been writing, Daniel Markhams do not exist yet. It's a bit confusing, but basically the MC of my secret tale will do something that will end up bringing Daniel Markhams into existence across the Prism. When that happens, these stories become cannon. For now, however, they aren't.

Now about the story you're reading right now. I can't promise I'll be able to update regularly. But I can try. Anyways, this story is a modern fantasy. That's all you get. Now wait, until I feel better about my insignificant existence and if I feel motivated enough.

That's all for today. See ya.

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