Chapter 1.2 [Daniel] - Admission

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You could've fooled me Alex. But I'm not as foolish as I was a year ago. Though it's still possible that she really is a doppleganger. There's only one way to know for sure.

I stepped out of the mall entrance and into the underground parking lot. For some reason, this level of the parkonqg was mostly empty. Awesome. On the far left corner of the parking from where I stood, was a red Ferrari 488 GTB, glistening under the lights of the parking lot. Yes I could afford a Ferrari. Yes, I have a license. I am eighteen years old after all. How did I scrape that much cash to buy a Ferrari?

Simple. I didn't. Someone else did. Let's rewind a little and catch you guys up on some of the stuff that's happened since that day. Where had we left off?

Oh right! I had passed out. Well, apparently I was found unconscious 3 days after the incident. My neighbors came to talk with my parents about something. When they didn't respond, they broke the door open.

They called the police immediately. At first glance, people thought I was the killer. But after the autopsy reaults were released and I woke up and gave my account of what had seemed to have happened, it was clear that I was innocent. People called it the Heart Crushing Tragedy. Because that's how my parents died. Their hearts were crushed.

The officer in charge of the case asked me if there was anything about the killer that I might be able to tell them to narrow down the identity. I menrioned the show print, but that had already been noted.

After the noise died down, the owner of the building took pity on me and asked me if I wanted to live with him. I refused and just asked him to let me live in my family's apartment, wothout paying the rent. For some reason, he agreed and even took care of my expenses. And that's how I got a Ferrari. As a birthday present.

This is the barebones version of the story. There is a lot more to this story than we've told you. You'll find out eventually. After all, we're not the only ones narrating, are we?

I got in and started the car. It came to life with a small hum, as the engine began functioning. I closed the door, and hit the gas, driving to a place I haven't visited in a month. If this person really is Alex, she's going to come and visit her childhood home eventually. If she already has, I'll know that too. I'm a lot smarter than I was last year.

After a solid drive of about twenty minutes, I arrived at Alex's old home. Weirdly enough, the guy who owned the building I lived in also owned a bunch of other buildings too. This one was one of them. It was also abandoned. Apparently, there's been rumors about this specific apartment being haunted. So most people just avoid it.

Which worked for me, since that meant I could come and go as I please. I'd visit it once every month, just to remind myself of that day. Most people would try to move on, but it's hard to move on when you realize that the corpse of your friend was wearing an article of clothing that she never owned. Alex always hated crop tops. Wearing them on the day she supposedly died was a little suspicious. And now I meet a lookalike. Whose fashion sense is the same as Alex's. Coincidence? I think not.

I switched off the car's engine, and stepped out. I quickly locked the car (I don't wanna lose it after owning it for just two months), before making my way to Alex's apartment. As I reached for the doorknob, I hesitated. What if, I was just being paranoid? What if that just was someone who looked like Alex?

We'll find out once we walk in, won't we?

Yeah, you're right. Alright Daniel, take a deep breath. Imagine swimming in nacho cheese and ketchup at the same time. Imagine death finally claiming your soul and granting you sweet release from the mortal plane.

I can't believe that I managed to sync with you.

Hey, that's mean!

It's the truth.

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