Chapter 1.1 [?le¿] - Chance Encounter

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I sighed, as I walked through the mall, lost in thought. I used to come here sometimes with my family when I was younger. I would often try my hand at the ice skating rink, though I was never quite good at it. I remember when I was really young, my family used to tag along with my friend's family. Apparently they go way back to before me or my friend were even born. I only learnt of this a few years ago, but it turns out my friend had known it for a long time. I wonder how he's doing since I last saw him.

I let out another sigh, as I tried to clear my thoughts. No point in remembering the past. You can't change it anyways. I decided to focus on my task at hand instead. I was looking for someone who might help me find this school. It's no ordinary school, so I can't just look it up online and hope for the best. It's more.... mystical in nature. And tracking down it's location is a rite of passage that separates the chaff from the wheat. Is that how the saying goes?

While finding the school was hard enough on its own, I questioned the selection method since people could just team up and find the place together. It seemed too simple. Tiring, but simple. There must be something else that we're not aware of.

Don't worry. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Yeah, you're right Lyssandra.

I thought I asked you to call me Sandra.

Oh right, sorry about that.

It's okay. Any idea when the others are gonna show? We've been here for an hour.

I was going to ask you the same thing. As I continued talking with Sandra about our current predicament, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Um, excuse me, but why are you talking to yourself?" asked a familiar voice. Great, I was talking out loud again. I'm so stupid.

I turned around to explain myself to the stranger but stopped when I saw his face. Why was he here? Why now of all times? How am I supposed to explain myself to him?

Daniel was surprised too, but immediately regained his original, relaxed expression, before saying, "Oh look, a doppleganger!"

Doppleganger? "Um excuse me?" I asked, utterly confused about his comment. "Yeah. I'm sorry, this might be weird for you too, but my mom used to tell me stories about how she used to know someone who looked exactly like her when she was younger. She even showed me pictures." He paused for a breath before continuing, "And I've met my little brother's doppleganger before. So what I mean to say is that you look identical to a friend of mine. Almost thought you were, but they're dead, so there's no way you'd be them, right?" Daniel looked at me expectantly. It almost seemed like he wanted me to confirm that I wasn't who he thought I was.

I considered telling him the truth, but decided against it. Better if he never gets involved in this thing at all. Maybe some day when this is all over, I'll tell him everything. But that isn't today.

"Umm, no I'm not who you think I am. I'm a completely different person." I said, stuttering a little bit. Hopefully, Daniel won't notice.

Daniel just shrugged. "Well, it was still interesting to meet a doppleganger. Sorry for bothering you. Please continue with your daily scheduled and normal life." He turned around and walked in the other direction.

"Normal life, huh? Nothing about this is normal." I muttered under my breath as Daniel disappeared from my sight and into the crowd.

There was something weird about that kid.

What do you mean Sandra?

Normally, the whole meeting a doppleganger of an old friend would make for an excellent love story, but this guy didn't even try to make a move at all.

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