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"Wow. This looks amazing guys good job." Lance said wrapping an arm around Allura's shoulders.

"Looks good doesn't it. Now (y/n) where is the um... Where has she gone now."
She scanned the room to see (y/n) was completely gone, she always wandered off when Allura needed her.

"Never mind I'll help." Lance smiled at his friend.

"Alright follow me Lance." She sighed as she handed him several bouquets of flowers.

~~~your pov~~~

I zoned out when Allura began discussing colour schemes, flower arrangements and lighting.

I left shortly after. I just couldn't concentrate, my mind kept wandering. Not about anything in particular but just about the last few days and the wonderful country side in which the castle was situated.

I decided to walk around the castle grounds looking at the beautiful roses, not noticing that I was wandering further away from the castle.

"Hello there." A flirtatious voice called from across the fence.
I turned to see a man leaning on the fence, he was tall with tanned skin and long white hair, he had a smirk on his face which showed his pointed teeth.

"Hi." I said taking a defensive stance. I didn't like how he was looking at me.

"No need to be scared." He laughed jumping the fence and approaching me.

He bowed as I narrowed my eyes. Keith had told me about him, I had also asked Pidge and she told me exactly the same thing, I also had the pleasure of meeting him before.
I nearly killed him then.

"And who is the beauty before me?" He asked still smirking at me.
"Someone not to be messed with." I said harshly.
"Oh yes the tough girl." He said circling me.

"Yes." Was all that I said, Oh I wish I had someone else with me.

"Lotor. Don't you think you should leave before the King finds out." I turned to see Hunk stood behind me.

"Well I have spent far too long here anyway. Goodbye miss I hope to see you again." He hummed before jumping the fence and galloping away on his black stallion.

I turned to Hunk with a thankful smile.
"I'm so glad you came." I said staring after Lotor.

"Well I saw you wandering alone so I followed you to see if you were ok, seems I had the right idea." He said honestly.

"Why did he come here in the first place?" I wandered as we headed back to the castle.

"I don't know. But I bet it's to do with the party this evening."

"Yes of course the party, Allura's going to kill me." I quickly sped off towards the castle turning to waving to Hunk as I turned a corner.

~~~Pidge's pov~~~

Allura had insisted that we all get dressed up and have our hair done to look nice for the ball tonight.

"I don't want to" I moaned at Allura as (y/n) placed her hand on my shoulder in a supportive way.

"Sorry but you cannot get out of this one." Allura hummed as she pulled out a green floor length dress for me to wear.

"What about (y/n)?" I asked as she walked away from the wardrobe.

"She had already picked a dress out for me. Yay." (Y/n) mumbled the last part only loud enough for me to hear it, I sniggered at her sarcasm.
Allura raised a confused eyebrow making (y/n) laugh as well.

"Come on time to get ready, the guests will be here soon. Go go." (Y/n) quickly skidded out of my room and around the corner, making Allura sigh at her friends behaviour.

~~~Keith's pov~~~

Allura had persuaded Shiro to have a party and not just any no a masquerade.
"Yay" I thought as Shiro went over the proposal.

"So after this dance, I lead her outside to the fountains and ask her. But how do I make it romantic? Does she like romance? Like will she say yes? What if she says no?" Shiro began to ramble he always got this way when he was nervous.

"Shiro if you love her she will see that and she hopefully will say yes, if she doesn't then don't worry about it just try to stay friends." I said putting on my jacket.

I liked this outfit Allura had helped me to choose it, she suggested I wear red as it suited me nicely.
The jacket was a deep red colour and it had gold trimming around the buttons and on the shoulders.

I then picked up my red and gold mask which covered one side of my face.( Kinda like the phantom of the opera.)

"Allura is going to kill us we are late" Shiro sprinted off out of my room and down towards the ballroom.

I smiled as I remembered what (y/n) had said when we were going to be late.

I tied my shoe laces and ran after Shiro hoping I wasn't the last one there.

I got to the ballroom in record time, I almost didn't recognize it.
There were lanterns hanging from the ceiling creating a soft glow of light, there was bouquets of red, gold flowers lining the edge of the dance floor.
The main staircase was lined with red flowers that were twisted around the banister.
It looked amazing the perfect place for Shiro to ask Allura to marry him.

I began making my way down the stairs towards the party.
I could see Krovillian, and his men from the south dressed in there purple and black suits.
There also was Thance who was talking to (y/n)'s father.

I glanced around seeing Allura her shocking white hair pulled back into a braid.
Pidge was next to her, she was ignoring Allura with a scowl on her face. She clearly didn't enjoy dressing up.
Shiro was talking to Coran with a nervous smile on his face I knew what he was talking about.

"Keith over here." I saw Hunk wave in my direction I began to weave through all of the people who were standing and talking trying to get to one side of the ballroom.

Lance was stood holding his drink flirting with a girl who didn't really seem interested. He was wearing a jacket like mine but in blue and he wore a blue and silver mask.
Hunk was wearing a yellow jacket with black trimming on the buttons and shoulders. He was wearing a smaller mask then mine, one that only covered his eyes.

Coran stood up on the stage and welcomed the guests.
"Welcome one and all please choose yourself a dance partner and we will begin the first dance. Oh and please remember masks stay on untill midnight."

The music began playing loudly as soon as Coran had finished speaking.

I tried to escape not wanting to dance when Pidge ran over to me before pulling me to the dance floor.

"No going back now" I grumbled to myself.

This was a complicated dance where you switch partners every now and then as you moved across the dance floor.

I danced with Pidge then Allura. But then I ran into the soft, happy (e/c) eyes that belonged to (y/n)...

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