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A young girl skipped across the fields looking excitedly towards the Altean castle.

Their neighbours technically.

Her (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing gently in the wind as her marks glowed brightly.

She wanted to know what was out there as her (e/c) eyes shimmered in the rising sun.

She yawned, since she had only been up half an hour and looked up at her father who instantly scooped her up allowing her to nuzzle into his neck.

"You ready to head back (y/n)?"

"Yeah..." She nodded with another yawn. "One day can we go there?"

"Maybe, but there's a lot of trouble around here at the moment." Her father said with a dark frown.

"Is that why they're calling you away again?"

"Yes it is."

"You'll come back right?" (Y/n) asked her eyes filling with worry that swam in her unshed tears.

"No matter what I promise I'll be with you, as long as you live and breathe I'll be there. Do you believe that?"

"Yes Papa."

"Then let's head back." He smiled hugging her tightly.


"Reminiscing?" (Y/n) turned to see Keith stood behind her with a worried frown.

"Kinda." She shrugged with a frown. "Just thinking about my dad."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Keith asked worriedly anxiety swirling in his eyes.

"It's nothing you don't already know." (Y/n) promised taking his hand. "Besides I would like to move on from the sorrow and just remember the happy times."

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." She smiled turning to face him. "There was nothing anyone could do."

"I know... But I wish I could take the pain away." Keith whispered tucking a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. "Like the day of the funeral, I wanted to stop the pain for you, but I couldn't."

"Keith... Sometimes it's good to have a little sorrow and pain." (Y/n) said lifting his chin so he would meet her gaze. "Otherwise the good times don't stand out as much."

"I guess you're right." Keith smiled pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have too."

"Keith." (Y/n) said sternly making him go quiet. "You've asked me before and I've already told you, I'm ready."

"I love you."

"I love you too, now let's enjoy this time together before Allura gets bored and decided to visit." (Y/n) said tugging Keith's arm making him chuckle.

The two pushed through the old rusted gate that was being held up by a rotten piece of wood with was swamped in ivy and a wild rose.

(Y/n) lead the way through the over grown garden that she used to run around in, her laughed echoing in her mind.

The trees seemed older than she remembered and the leaves didn't make the same crunch she used to love hearing every time she went out, but the roses that grew up one side of the house blossomed brining colour to her old home, and yet it felt new now that Keith was there with her.

It was new and beautiful something she could feel spreading warmth through her body.

She felt less alone and more at home even though so much had changed.

But Keith was right there with her.

"You okay?" Keith asked cautiously watching her.

"Yeah..." She said quietly as a small smile appeared on her face.

"Alright then." Keith smiled squeezing her hand before pushing the door open. "Whoa..."

"It beautiful isn't it." (Y/n) smiled as they entered the hallway.

It was a lot smaller then the castle but Keith felt a strange sense of home within the walls.

The dark oak flooring was contrasted with the dull yellow paint that was swirled on the walls and skirting boards in intricate patterns.

The stairs at the center were lit by a window at the top making it stand out more before the two.

The cobwebs and dust shrouded everything making everything a dull grey colour and making it smell stale.

"Come with me." (Y/n) said grabbing his arm pulling him through the rooms.

They soon ended up in a large room with amazing hand painted ceiling, walls and even the floor.


"When my mother was alive this our ballroom." She smiled spinning as she looked around. "But my father changed it to his training room."

"Your father used to train here?" Keith asked amazed as he joined her in the center.

"Yeah. He didn't want to leave me so he was home as often as he could to look after me, even when training."

"I love it." Keith smiled as he span her around slightly. "You don't mind if we clean it up though?"

"How else are we ment to live here?" (Y/n) laughed as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm glad you're here with me."

"Always." Keith nodded making her smile grow more.

Royal Love Keith X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now