Chapter 7:What's So Different Bout Her?

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We sat in the waiting room waiting to hear about Pac. I was pacing back and forth trying to ease my mind. Since Tish had to go get Pac's mother, It was just me and Shawnette. I couldn't sit still. My mind focused on him. This really opened my eyes and gave me  a new perspective on our relationship. Something deep inside me had been triggered. The thought of losing him had me to the point of insanity.

Shawnette:Janet,honey please sit down. You making me nervous with your pacing.Don't worry he is gonna pull through. Pac is one tough brother .But You must really dig him to be acting like this.

Janet;I care about him so deeply  Shawnette I just... Pac has been my best friend for the past couple months. We are extremely close.  I just want him to be okay.

Shawnette:Awwwww. I didn't know you and him were kicking it like that. He's gonna be fine girl. Now sit you high brown behind down please

As I turned to sit down, Dr. Anderson came to give us an update on his Pac is doing.

Dr.Anderson:Mr.Crooks is out of surgery and is being  put in recovery. We managed to remove all the bullets. He hasn't suffered severe damage to any one of his organs. I'm very sure he will make a full recovery. He is very lucky.

Janet:When can we see him?

Dr.Anderson: Once we have him set up in a room  ,I'll be back to let you guys.

Janet:Thank you so much,Dr.Anderson.

Dr.Anderson: Your welcome. I should be back in ten minutes.

I let out a sign of relief. If only Shawnette really knew how much I cared about Pac. Truthfully, I realize I'm deeper than I think. He has changed my whole look on love. I never thought this could happen but I'm in love with him. But how would this work? Rene would never let me go or accept me leaving him for someone else.

Tish and Pac's mother,Afeni came into the waiting room breaking my deep thought.

Tish:How is he?

Janet:He's being moved into a room. They removed all the bullets and he should make a full recovery.

Tish:I need to see ole peanut head. Oh Mama Feni. This Is Janet . You already met Shawnette.

Afeni:Yes. My son has told me about you. I must say you are a real delight from all his other girlfriends. Nice to finally met you.

Tish:Yessss she is....

Janet: Oh. It's nice to meet you to Ms.Shakur. I really need to go to the bathroom so I'll be right back.

I went into the bathroom to gather my thoughts. I couldn't believe Pac told his mother. Did she know i was married? What if she finds out?I didn't know what to think. And Now Shawnette and Tish know. This couldn't get any worse.I heard the door creak open and it was Shawnette and Tish. They both gave me the look.

Tish: You know i'm about to snap. You been out here creeping with Pac? You know he ain't no good! All he wants from a woman is what she's got between her legs. At least that's all I ever see here him say. You gotta be outta your mother fucking mind.Oh he must got that dumb dick because your aren't using your brain

Janet:How the fuck do you know? I mean you never sat and had a real conversation with him.  He is more than what you say his is. Yes he bangs groupies and smoke weed every day. Yea he probably only thought this would be one night stand. But It's more More than anyone knows. I get more affection from a weed smoking, 40 sippin thug than my own fucking husband. I don't hear you're beautiful or I love you from him.I can't even remember the last time i was happy with him. I want love. Tish you think you know every damn thing but you have no fucking idea. You can say whatever you want about him . I love him . He is everything Rene isn't.

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