Forbidden Fruit

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Things aren't always what they seem. The prettiest eyes cry the most tears. The Kindest heart can indure the most pain.

This isn't about the fame,the money or the publicity. It's about two people falling in love. Dangerous love. Forbidden Love. A love that is so wrong but feels so right. I guess it true what they say. Things taste better when there not yours.

This is where it all began......



I woke up to Rene's heavy snoring.

I got up and turned on the light. My body was sore. I slowly crept outta bed. I went to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection. I thought to myself while brushing my teeth. What's wrong with me? Why does.he treat me so bad? I'm not good enough. Am I not fit enough?  Are my thighs too big? Are my hips too thick? Maybe It's my.fault. I do make it hard on him. It might get better. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my night gown. I got in and let the water run over my head. I heard the door open and the sink running.

Rene:Jan, you can't take all day. We have to be there first for the last scene. You hear me?

Janet:I hear you. I'm almost done.

He snatched the curtain back and grinned.

Rene:You didn't give me a good morning kiss either. Get outta there and show me some love.

I got the towel and wrapped it around me. He took my hand and pulled me to him. I kissed him softly and tried to move away.

Janet:I need to get dressed now please.

He didn't answer but took my braids from out the pony tail.

Rene: Not yet. Kiss me again. More affection. Then I might consider.

I just did it to make him happy. He could be nice at times. And I wasn't ready to make him mad again. He finally let me go and I went to get dressed.


I got to the set a little later then usual. A nigga was knocked out. But I was too ready for this last scene. I was gonna kiss Janet again. Them lips was like heaven. I kinda wondered about Shorty. She was always jumpy and shit. And Rene ole Mexican ass never let her out of his sight. Still don't know why she married his ass anyway. I walked in stunting like the O.G. I am and caught a glimpse of Janet fine ass. She had on A white cut off top that showed off her sexy stomack with some highwaisted light blue Jeans. Her braids were wrapped up with a white band and her makeup was light. She made my mouth water.

I went over and spoke

Tupac: Wassup beautiful?

Janet:Oh. Hey. You're late again Pac.

Tupac: My bad, I overslept a lil.  Last night's concert was crazyyyyy.

Janet:Hmmmm. Well Let's get this done. But I'm glad you had a show. Just be on time please.

Tupac: Thanks square. you ain't too bad. I'll be on time. Don't worry.

She turned and walked on the set. She was just a dime piece. I wouldn't mind seeing that without clothes. Then her tired ass husband came out and blew my view. I just let go and went to the set. We did a bomb ass job. And That kiss. Whew!!!!! Shorty had a nigga wanting more. She even had a little blush afterwards. I think she got a  little crush. She talked more when Rene hawking ass wasn't around. Something about him pisses me off. He always on Janet's ass. She can't even have a moment's peace. He got her on lock. I don't like that shit. She don't need this tired ass wetback.She need a thug. Somebody whose gonna keep it real with her Give her space and let her do her thing. And Sex  her every chance they can get. Personally, I just wanna know Why this motherfucker. But with wetback here,I wasn't gonna get any answers.


I hurried to my dressing room. I could still feel his lips. I was still on cloud nine. Rene never made me feel this way. Why couldn't he? To be honest, I had a slight crush on Pac. I always was attracted to the bad boys I found myself wondering. What would be date him. He was very thuggish but yet down to earth amd honest.  I found that attractive. I wasn't happy with Rene but I still loved him. And he wouldn't let me leave him. I knew that for a fact. I talked him up because he came in the dressing room.I heard the door lock. My heart began to pound through my chest.

Rene:You were blushing after you kissed him

Janet;No. I wasn't. Honest baby.

Rene: I don't wanna hurt you. You better watch it. You wouldn't want to miss the premiere on Monday would you?

Janet:Baby I swear. It was nothing. You overreacting.

Rene:Overreacting? How the hell is that when my wife blushes after she kisses her costar. You want him don't you?

Janet:Stop Yelling. I don't want anyone. You got it wrong.

Rene walked over to me and grabbed my arm. I gasped as he yanked my face.

Rene:Don't make me angry. I'm this close to destroying that thing you call a face. You make me sick. I could be fine until you pull some stupid shit. I'm getting real tired of it.You don't know who you dealing with. Remember that.

He pushed me back and stormed to the door. Just as he went out, he turned back.

Rene: Why don't you ask him to drive back home. Or better yet walk. Could do those fat thighs some good.

He closed the door and I started to cry. I was so miserable. I didn't do anything right.I always messed up. Why didn't he love me?I guess it was my fault. I did blush because I liked the kiss. Now my husband left me stranded on set. I didn't have my driver today so I had no other option but to walk. I would say I caused this. I should've keep my composure. Needless to say,I shouldn't be attracted to other man. But I wanted real affection. Some kind word now and then. For someone to love me for who I am. I walked out the dressing room and started toward the door.    



I saw Rene zoom out real fast and I wondered what the rush was. Then I saw Janet walking out looking all cute and shit. I watched her get her purse and sit on the couch. She had this funny expression I  couldn't read. I sat next to her and tried to cheer her up.

Tupac:What's going on square? Why you look so down.

Janet:I'm fine. Don't you have a video shoot to go to?

Tupac:True (lifts her head)Keep that pretty head of yours up.

She smiled at me. She had the most beautiful smile. Shit had me mesmerized. I kinda wanted to slick keep talking to her. But I heard Rene honking the horn and she was leaving. She waved back to me. I waved back and went to my car. I wanted to know more about her. What kinda woman she really is. But I would have to get her alone. And with

with Rene on her ass,it wasn't gonna be   easy.

So Yahall clearly see what they dealing with.  What yhall  think is next? Pac gonna get Janet alone?

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