Chapter 4: Scissors

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I get up and grab a pair of scissors that I have sitting on my desk and I stand beside the door. I wait. Three men walk in all taller than me. One barely taller. I scoot around the door; the lights still off so they couldn't see me. "Where the hell is she." One says. "She was here we know it." Shit! Why the hell do they want me!

I scoot over to Maya's door but I closed it. Damn if I open it they'll hear me. They walk out. I stand by the door scared for my life. "Turn on the lights." Shit. They do and I dash. But ones faster than me. I stab him with the scissors. "Holy shit! She's a fighter." I push him off and run just to be stopped by another holding a gun to me. "Stop and no one else gets hurt." He says. I hold my hands up.'s him. Blue shot eyes, chocolate hair, pale silk skin.

"What the hell do you want! I have nothing." I say. He laughs. "Oh you have something." His eyes stare into my soul. God it's creepy. He lowers the gun. Take her away. Black silk goes over my eyes and my hands go behind me with rope. Then a towel was held up to my nose. I hold my breath as long as I could but gave in and passed out colder than Maya.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair. A man sitting with a rag on his neck was right in front of me. "Thanks for the scare." He says. I am guessing it's the guy I stabbed. "Hey no socializing!" Another one says. "Fine god I was just showing her my appreciation." I roll my eyes. All the rooms walls were grey stone, no windows, and one door. "I'll tell him she's awake." Who?!

10 minutes later a man comes walking into the room. He had brown milky eyes, brown chocolate hair, rose lips, and skin as clear as the night sky. It''s the same guy! How he had blue eyes last time I saw him. What the hell. Why is he so good looking? Ew that's weird he just kidnapped me for hell sake!

He tipped my chin up. His touch sent goosebumps all over my body. "Miss
Y/n. You saw something you shouldn't have." He says letting my chin down and starts walking around me in a circle. "I saw you kill someone if that's what you mean." I say. He stops "Oh so you do remember congratulations." Oh this guy maybe good looking but his attitude is going to put me to sleep. "Yeah it happens today I don't have
amnisa sorry to disappoint you." I noted, I am totally done with all these guys. He tips my chair over. "Don't test me girl!" He said this practically breathing on me. Ok now I might be a little worried but I keep a game face on.

He tilts my chair back to level ground. "Now I have my ways so I can kill you anytime. I can have something done to you or how about that girl you're staying with." I cut him off. "I get it just get to the point." He rolls his eyes. "You say anything and so help me I will do everything in my power to make your life a living hell. The last thing I will do is kill you. You saw right up and center how that goes." God he's so demanding, but whatever he was doing it worked.

"Ok god." I say. "Some how I don't believe you so, you will stay here for a little bit to show your loyalty and I won't be so easy on you I don't care if you a girl or not." Well that's rude. "Ok" I say acting like I don't care when I actually do.

"Sir she's different from the rest . You don't think?" One says and stops as he hold his hand goes up. "Maybe, but if or if not she doesn't deserve any information." He scold me again. "Who are your parents." He kind of scold him back. "How the hell should I know." He stares deeper into my soul. Ok I get it I'll stop gosh. "This bitch doesn't want to cooperate." I am kind of mad at him now. "Well screw you because I don't remember anything past when I was 19." (I'm 23 btw) He looked shocked at this and turns to the guy. They whisper something but then again it's whispering so I have not clue what they are saying.

"Ok well then in that case we will treat you like a princess. I could care less." He replies. Fine then. "Take her to her room and remember no information. No names!" He sounded really scary at this part and he wasn't even talking to me. They nod.

The shorter one that came to my house grabbed my left side and some other guy grabbed my right side. Someone else blindfolds me. We walk. They take off my blindfold in a room with no windows one door that locked on the outside. It had a bed and a toilet, that was about it. "Have fun as you can see there is a lot of toys in here." One says. I noticed a little camera at the top of the room. Damn! "I have a question if I needed to use the bathroom are you going to be watching me?" The guy on the right looked annoyed. "God girl no we maybe kidnapped you but that's just..." he throw me in the room without finishing. I was on the cold stone floor when they closed the door.

It was dark except for one little light. It was so cold and the bed was not comfortable what so ever! God these people are good.

Sorry this one is longer than normal but there might be a lot more long ones it just depends.

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