Chapter 11: Turbulence

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Minutes had passed but it felt like hours. Jungkook and I had exchanged glaces every now and then but never any eye contact. He fell asleep, I am honestly surprised he trusted me enough to sleeping in front of me.

Him sleeping was like a baby. His cute little face resting on the window and his hands together on his stomach. His legs were crossed and his face was so relaxed. It was really attractive. I have also kind of accepted fate. I like him.

He must have used his super powers or something because I was still starring at him when his eyes gracefully open. It was like waking up to a baby puppy. It kind of funny to think a tough guy like this looks like a sweet little puppy.

I may have starred to long but as soon as his eyes glace mine I snap them the other way. "See something you like?" He asks and I know what he wants his reprocess to be. "Yeah sleep." I respond. He laughs "Nice. So sarcasm is your thing huh." He asks. "Yep and interrogation is your thing." I come back with. "I guess you could say that." He says looking out the window. Everything is silent again for a long time until he breaks it.

"We are going to be here for a long time. I would like to get to know you." He says but still doesn't look at me.

"Yeah I guess." I say starring at him. Memorizing every aspect of him body.

"I honestly have no idea what to ask you." He says finally looking at me.

Our eyes meet and he has the whole night sky in his. Right then the lights flickered and the jet moved side to side. Jungkook got up and ran to the front of the jet. He came back moments later. I was holding on for dear life to the sides of the chair. I loosen up as a soft tender hand layered mine. I turn to see Jungkook, "It's ok we are just hitting a little bit of turbulence." His angel voice and his calming face made me calm down. He grabbed my hand all the way and held it tight.

It got worst little by little, Jungkook got to the point where he was full on holding me. I pretty sure he enjoyed it though. I know I did. His warmth made my body relax, he stroked my head and it felt nice. Everything calmed down and we were back to smooth flying but Jungkook and I hadn't moved. I felt him breathing a little faster than he had been. I looked up him and gave him an are you ok look. He smiled at me and I just starred at his face. His eyes trailed from my eyes to my nose straight to my lips. If I was being honestly I totally skipped his nose and went straight for the lips.

We starred at each other for a long time before Jungkook leaned in. My first thought was no but my first action was I leaned in as well. His lips were like the galaxy's edge and his kiss was as perfect as a constellation falling into place. Our lips were perfectly in sync and I felt the tension rise as he bite my bottom lip and our kisses became more passionate. I normally don't do this but this, the moment fells right. We were still sitting on two separate chairs when he flips me over onto his chair. I am now sitting on his lap and we are kissing wildly. He trails his lips from mine to my jawline. I let a big loud breath out as he continues down to my neck.

My hands travel his hair where I should know it like the back of my hand. He makes it back to my mouth and his hands glaze my body. His touch makes me feel weak inside and out but his kiss gives me power. We released for air when he snatches off his shirt and unbuttons mine. His bare skin feels warm and I make my way down to his abs. God they turned me on.

He picked me up and sat me on the floor. I was on the bottom and he was on top of me. The jet in mid flight drowns out my moans from my lips. He feels good and tasted delicious. That night after everything I fell asleep on his bare chest and slept like a baby. I never wanted to wake up.

I am trying a new style hopefully you like it. I may not keep it though.

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